In the year 5 ABY, Perwin Gedde, an Imperial Vice Admiral, was taken prisoner by a New Republic hunting party. Norra Wexley commanded this team. Gedde had sought sanctuary with Slussen Canker, a Vorlaggn crime boss. Norra and her squad infiltrated Slussen Canker's palace located on Vorlag, but Slussen and his thugs captured them. Jas Emari, a bounty hunter, feigned betrayal of her comrades, but she secretly attached a key to the neck of a hroth-beast. As Norra and her team broke free from their dungeon, Norra subdued and restrained the drugged Perwin Gedde, who was addicted to spice. They then successfully fled Vorlag aboard the Halo, an SS-54 assault ship piloted by Temmin Wexley, Norra's son. Despite their best efforts, Gedde perished during the journey. He had been poisoned by Mercurial Swift, a bounty hunter, to prevent him from revealing Imperial secrets to the New Republic.
Perwin Gedde, holding the rank of Vice Admiral, was a high-ranking officer within the Imperial Navy. He oversaw a biological weapons initiative that resulted in the mass poisoning of numerous planets and the deaths of countless individuals. As a result of his atrocities, he was placed on the New Republic's list of wanted Imperial war criminals after the Battle of Endor. To evade capture, the former Vice Admiral Gedde sought refuge within the palace of Slussen Canker, a Vorlaggn crime lord and slaver, situated on the world of Vorlag. During this escape, he embezzled a significant sum of credits.
Slussen Canker ensured his comfort within his fortress, built atop a volcano, by providing him with slaves and a steady supply of spice. Canker's stronghold was heavily guarded, featuring a front gate, a pair of hroth-beasts, two phase-turrets, two sentries, and a portcullis constructed from interwoven lasers.
The New Republic, in 5 ABY, dispatched Norra Wexley, a starfighter pilot, along with her team – comprised of Sinjir Rath Velus, a former Imperial loyalty officer, Jas Emari, a bounty hunter, and Jom Barell, a soldier from the New Republic Special Forces – with the objective of abducting the former Vice Admiral and extraditing him to Chandrila for trial. While Temmin Wexley, Norra's adolescent son, and Mister Bones, his B1-series battle droid, remained aboard Emari's ship, the Halo, to serve as the getaway [transport](/article/transport], Norra and her team journeyed to Slussen's palace via a grav-raft, navigating the planet's stone spires.
The group gained entry to the palace through a mountain opening, which served as Slussen Canker's hroth-beast feeding area. There, they encountered Jas, who had arrived several days prior to disable the crackling laser portcullis. After maneuvering through the feeding area, the New Republic operatives discovered that the laser portcullis had been reactivated, blocking their escape. Norra and her team were then ambushed by Slussen and his henchmen. When Slussen demanded to know their intentions, Sinjir declared that they sought Gedde and offered to depart peacefully if he surrendered the former Vice Admiral.
Slussen refused their demands. Shortly thereafter, Gedde himself appeared with a captive Jas, threatening to kill her unless Norra and her team surrendered their weapons. The hunters reluctantly submitted to Slussen and his henchmen. Jom wished to fight their captors, but Sinjir convinced him that they were outmatched. Jas then revealed that she had betrayed her team by collecting an Imperial bounty on Norra and her comrades. Jas, burdened by heavy debt, had accepted both the New Republic's and Gedde's offers in an attempt to repay her creditors.
Unbeknownst to Slussen and Gedde, Jas was secretly plotting to double-cross them to liberate her New Republic comrades while simultaneously earning money. Jas subtly signaled to Sinjir that she was deceiving Slussen and Gedde, not betraying them. Norra and her team were imprisoned in cages suspended above the hroth-beasts' feeding area. The beasts harassed the hunters as they devoured meat. After much effort, Sinjir managed to retrieve a metal key that was fastened around the neck of one of the hroth-beasts.
Sinjir then managed to free himself and his fellow operatives. After deactivating the laser portcullis, the hunters fought off Slussen's guards by hurling chunks of meat at them, prompting the hroth-beasts to attack them. Norra and her team then crept through a lava tube leading to Perwin Gedde's quarters. There, Norra discovered that Jas had captured and restrained Gedde using bed sheets. Before Slussen's guards could intercept them, Temmin and Mister Bones picked up Norra and her team aboard the Halo.
The Halo was pursued by an Imperial shuttle and three TIE fighters, but Temmin managed to shoot them down. He also destroyed a nearby tower, eliminating two of the TIE fighters. After evading the Imperial fighters, the Halo entered the atmosphere above Vorlag and then jumped into hyperspace.
During the return trip to Chandrila aboard the Halo, Norra, Sinjir, and Jom confronted Jas Emari for concealing her plan on Vorlag. Jas defended her actions, claiming that the deception was necessary to settle her debts. Temmin also revealed that he had been aware of Jas Emari's triple-cross plan. Following a heated argument between Jom and Jas, the two reconciled and developed romantic feelings for each other. Upon returning to Chandrila, Norra, Jom, and Jas discovered that Gedde had succumbed to kytrogorgia poisoning. While meeting with Wedge Antilles, a New Republic captain, Norra and Jas expressed their suspicion that Gedde had been murdered. Later, it was revealed that Mercurial Swift, a bounty hunter, had murdered Gedde under the orders of Rae Sloane, an Imperial Grand Admiral, to prevent him from divulging secrets to his New Republic captors.
The Capture of Perwin Gedde was first depicted in Aftermath: Life Debt, a 2016 novel by Chuck Wendig and the second book in Star Wars: The Aftermath Trilogy.