
Kosh was a male human hailing from the desert planet of Tatooine, who rose to the rank of captain within the military structure of the Galactic Empire during the Galactic Civil War. Not long after the pivotal Battle of Yavin, Kosh found himself stationed back on his homeworld, taking on the role of commander for the 68th Legion of the Imperial Army, which constituted the local garrison. During his time in command, Kosh established a [private smuggling operation](/article/kosh%27s_private_smuggling_operation], and he also oversaw the conflict against the Rebel Alliance cell led by Jennica Pierce.

At one stage, a rebel agent under Pierce's command successfully destroyed Fort Sunfire, a major Imperial stronghold on Tatooine. In response to this act, Kosh launched an attack on the agent's own base, utilizing an armored cavalry force consisting of nine All Terrain Scout Transports, one Elite AT-AT, and a pair of 2-M Hover Tanks. However, the Rebels managed to withstand Kosh's armored assault. Consequently, the Imperial captain decided to mount a second attack, dispatching half of the 68th Legion to assault the Rebel base, but this second attempt also ended in failure. With the majority of his troops defeated, Kosh was compelled to adopt a defensive posture. Despite knowing the location of the Rebel base, he was no longer in a position to launch another attack. These events marked the beginning of a localized conflict between Kosh and the local Rebel forces.

Sometime time afterward, Kosh was promoted to the rank of prefect. However, in the months following the Empire's significant defeat at [Endor](/article/endor], he was captured by a team of Imperial hunters commanded by pilot Norra Wexley. Kosh then became a prisoner of the New Republic, the democratic government that the Rebels had established.

Personality and traits

Kosh, a fair-skinned man characterized by a straight nose and [blue](/article/color] eyes, often displayed a scornful expression. By the time of the Galactic Civil War, his once dark hair had turned gray. In his pursuit of the Empire's objectives, Kosh was known to manipulate both allies and enemies, treating them as mere tools. He also possessed a peculiar fascination with ancient artifacts.


Kosh was seen wearing the standard uniform of the Imperial Military, which included a double-breasted tunic paired with matching trousers, a black leather [belt](/article/belt], black boots, and a hat. On the left side of his upper chest, he displayed the insignia indicating his rank as an army captain, consisting of three red tiles positioned above three blue ones. Although Kosh did not carry any code cylinders, his cap and belt were fitted with an identity disc.

Behind the scenes

Kosh is the character responsible for assigning missions to the player in Star Wars: Commander if the player chooses to side with the Empire. If the player sides with the Rebellion, they interact with Jennica Pierce.

Although Star Wars: Commander marks his first appearance in canon, Kosh originally featured in the now-considered Legends book titled Heroes in Hiding.

