The Silver Sea was a vast ocean situated on the Core Worlds planet of Chandrila. Positioned in proximity to Hanna City, the Chandrilan capital, numerous buildings in and around the city offered views of the sea. During 5 ABY, Temmin Wexley, an aspiring pilot, underwent training exercises, both physical and within a flight simulator, over the Silver Sea. Later in that same year, Sinjir Rath Velus, an Imperial defector, along with several of his companions, paid a visit to a tavern perched along the sea's cliffside.
This expansive body of calm, slate-gray water known as the Silver Sea was located on the Core Worlds planet of Chandrila. Hanna City, which served as the capital of Chandrila, was situated nearby, as was Landing Platform OB-99. The office belonging to New Republic general Leia Organa provided a view of the sea, as did the balcony of her apartment and a local tavern. Cliffs formed a section of the Silver Sea's coastline, against which waves relentlessly crashed. Docks were also a feature of the sea.

Four years following the Battle of Yavin, Han Solo, formerly a smuggler, journeyed to Chandrila aboard his starship, the Millennium Falcon. Solo piloted the Falcon above the Silver Sea, observing its shimmering surface beneath the vessel.
In 5 ABY, a year later, the transition of Chandrila from the winter to spring seasons resulted in storm clouds gathering above the sea, releasing rain and lightning. Around that time, Wedge Antilles, a New Republic pilot, permitted Temmin Wexley, the son of Norra Wexley, a fellow pilot in the New Republic, to engage in training exercises above the Silver Sea using an X-wing starfighter. When Temmin boarded the starship Halo to reunite with his mother and her crew, the sun ascended over the Silver Sea. Subsequently, Antilles tasked Temmin with flying over the sea within a flight simulator. During the simulation, Temmin experienced repeated crashes with his starfighter, including one instance where he flew close to the water's surface to evade sensor arrays.

Toward the conclusion of the Galactic Civil War between the Galactic Empire and the New Republic, Sinjir Rath Velus, an Imperial defector, frequented a tavern situated above the Silver Sea. Following the Battle of Jakku in 5 ABY, which marked the war's end, Velus and several of his companions visited the tavern. During their visit, the moon of Chandrila illuminated the sea. As their night concluded, Velus and his last remaining companion, Jas Emari, a bounty hunter, stood and conversed outside the tavern, experiencing the wind blowing off the Silver Sea and hearing the waves crashing below.
An alcoholic beverage known as the Silver Sea Martini was served aboard the Halcyon, a MPO-1400 Purgill-class star cruiser belonging to Chandrila Star Line, in 34 ABY. Similar to the sea, the drink possessed a gray hue. The Halcyon also featured a courtyard called the Climate Simulator, which housed stones gathered from the Silver Sea.
The Silver Sea made its initial appearance within the current Star Wars canon in Chuck Wendig's 2016 novel Aftermath: Life Debt, the second installment of the Aftermath Trilogy. In the Star Wars Legends continuity, the Silver Sea was first introduced in The Essential Guide to Planets and Moons, a 1998 reference book by Daniel Wallace. It made its full debut in Greg Keyes's 2001 novel The New Jedi Order: Edge of Victory II: Rebirth, the second book of the Edge of Victory Duology and the ninth book overall in the Star Wars: The New Jedi Order series.