Authorization Code TK-603

Authorization Code TK-603 served as a remote deactivation mechanism for the Carrion Spike, created by First Order Agent Terex for his exclusive use. While situated on Kaddak, Terex put the code into action, ensnaring his erstwhile First Order comrades on the ship, with the intention of commandeering it for his personal criminal organization, the Ranc Gang.


Terex, drawing inspiration from his past role as a stormtrooper in the Imperial Army for the code's namesake, integrated the activation code into the Carrion Spike's central system either during his tenure with the First Order or sometime before. Terex implemented it to bring the corvette to a standstill, compelling the First Order personnel to disembark on Kaddak, where he reconnected with his former criminal associates, the Ranc Gang, and reassumed his position as their leader. After reclaiming leadership of his gang, Terex went back to his ship, employing Ranc Gang members to subdue the First Order crew and seize the Carrion Spike for his own purposes.

