A Multi-Troop Transport carries B1-series battle droids.
A troopship, which is also known as a troop transport, was a type of vehicle used to transport troopers.

During the Clone Wars, various kinds of troop transports saw action. The Galactic Republic used its LAAT/i gunships and Nu-class attack/transport shuttle to transport troopers. Similarly, the Confederacy of Independent Systems utilized troop transports such as the Multi-Troop Transport and the C-9979 landing craft.
The Galactic Empire employed troop transports such as the Lambda-class T-4a shuttle, the Imperial Troop Transport, and the Sentinel-class landing craft. The Rebel Alliance utilized the UT-60D U-wing starfighter/support craft to move rebel soldiers into combat situations.

The First Order widely used the AAL-1971/9.1 Troop Transport to move its stormtroopers from ships in orbit to other vessels, stations, and the surfaces of planets as they conquered the Unknown Regions and fought the New Republic both during and after the Cold War.
During the same time frame, the Resistance employed the Resistance transport and the YC-123B transport hauler for transporting troops during a number of operations.