Zorii Bliss, alternatively known as Zorii Wynn, was a human female inhabitant of the extremely cold planet Kijimi. She held the position of commander within the Spice Runners of Kijimi. During the conflict involving the First Order and the Resistance, Bliss maintained a position of neutrality, spending her time within the Thieves' Quarter located on Kijimi. She and Poe Dameron had a history together, as he had previously been a spice runner alongside her, but Poe Dameron ultimately abandoned the group, leaving Bliss behind. Their paths crossed once more when Dameron commanded Resistance forces to Kijimi in an effort to locate the concealed world of Exegol. Following the destruction of Kijimi, Bliss took part in the Battle of Exegol, which resulted in the downfall of the Sith Eternal's fleet, known as the Final Order.

Born sometime between 1 BBY and 1 ABY, Zorii Bliss, who also went by Zorii Wynn, was a resident of the frigid planet Kijimi who became a member of the Spice Runners of Kijimi, a criminal syndicate overseen by her parent, specifically Zeva Bliss, from a young age. Zeva had taken over from Zarah Bliss as the leader of the group during the Imperial Era.
Poe Dameron later became affiliated with the Spice Runners. However, during the Kijimi summit, Poe made the decision to leave the group—refusing Zorii's proposal to assume control of the pirates from her mother—in order to return to his home and eventually enlist in the New Republic as a T-85 X-wing aviator. Subsequently, he joined the Resistance as a T-70 X-wing pilot, following the example of his parents Shara Bey and Kes Dameron, both of whom fought for the Rebellion throughout the Galactic Civil War. Poe's departure sparked considerable anger in Bliss, as well as among many others on Kijimi whom Poe had wronged. At some point before the Cold War, Bliss successfully rose to the position of leader of the spice runners.
In the subsequent years, the First Order, a military organization that arose from the remnants of the Galactic Empire, gained dominion over Kijimi. They abducted individuals and, following the Battle of Crait, seized control of the planet, as they had done with numerous other worlds throughout the galaxy. Zorii and her associates adapted to operating under this new authority without Dameron's presence.

When Resistance operatives arrived on Kijimi in 35 ABY to discover the route to Exegol, Bliss confronted Dameron, accompanied by a group of henchmen, still harboring resentment towards the pilot for abandoning their cause, but Rey incapacitated her henchmen, impressing Bliss with her abilities, and she was persuaded to assist them. Bliss then guided them to Babu Frik, the renowned droidsmith, as the Resistance required assistance in unlocking restricted translations within the systems of C-3PO, in order to decipher a dagger that would reveal a wayfinder leading to the hidden world of Exegol. While Frik was working, Bliss and Dameron exited the room and observed First Order activities from the workshop's rooftop, discussing the changes brought about by the occupation. During their conversation, Bliss offered reassurance and encouragement to Dameron, urging him to persist in the fight against the First Order, and she partially removed her helmet.
The pair then alerted the other Resistance members to the approaching First Order forces. Recognizing the necessity for Poe to board Kylo Ren's Resurgent-class Star Destroyer, Zorii provided him with a captain's medallion at significant personal cost. As they initiated their escape, now aware that their Wookiee companion Chewbacca was being held captive on the First Order capital ship Steadfast, Poe extended an invitation to Bliss to join them, which she declined. Bliss then remained on Kijimi while Poe and his allies rescued Chewbacca, before making their way to Kef Bir after deciphering the dagger.

The resurrected Darth Sidious soon issued the command to utilize one of his Xyston-class Star Destroyers to obliterate a planet that the Resistance would recognize. Kijimi was selected and subsequently destroyed by the Star Destroyer's axial superlaser.
Contrary to expectations, Bliss managed to escape prior to the destruction of Kijimi, joining the Resistance and piloting a Y-wing starfighter named the Comeuppance alongside Babu Frik during the Battle of Exegol against the Sith Eternal forces. The Resistance and their allies ultimately emerged victorious, following the demise of Sidious and the destruction of the Steadfast, which left the remaining Sith Star Destroyers stranded on Exegol.
Subsequently, she participated in the celebrations of the Resistance's triumph back on Ajan Kloss. She and Dameron exchanged acknowledgments during the celebration from across the crowds of Resistance members.
Zorii Bliss was a human female who, like her fellow Spice Runners, was regarded as a rogue. Nevertheless, she cultivated a romantic connection with Poe Dameron during his tenure with the group, only to have Dameron's moral compass eventually lead him to oppose the Spice Runners during Bliss's mother's scheme to eliminate rival families under the guise of a summit. Bliss also opposed her mother but desired to take control of the Spice Runners with Dameron by her side. Upon hearing him decline her proposal, Dameron observed that the affection and warmth she had felt towards him instantly dissipated into rage, believing it would never return, although the two later shared several intimate moments after reuniting.
Bliss possessed a distinctive and lethal fighting style, stemming from her skill and background in dance. Following her ascension to leadership of the Spice Runners, Bliss was feared by her adversaries and respected by her fellow pirates.

By the time the First Order occupied Kijimi, Bliss was outfitted with a temperature-regulating maroon body glove Flight suit. Zorii was equipped with a pair of E-851 blaster pistols which she stored in a holster made of hardened Bantha-leather
Bliss concealed her voice using a vocoder integrated into her custom helmet, which contained technology within its plasteel shell designed to provide a tactical advantage in combat, finished with a bronzium coating.
Zorii Bliss made an appearance in the 2019 film Star Wars: Episode IX The Rise of Skywalker, where she was portrayed by Keri Russell. Russell accepted the role because she was drawn to the concept of an anonymous, enigmatic supporting character.