BTA-NR2 Y-wing starfighter

The Resistance Y-wing, officially designated as the BTA-NR2 Y-wing starfighter, represented an evolved version of the Y-wing starfighter crafted by Koensayr Manufacturing. It saw service within both the ranks of the New Republic and the Resistance.

Distinguishing Features

A BTA-NR2 Y-wing starfighter

The BTA-NR2 Y-wing starfighter, a starship designed by Koensayr Manufacturing, was conceived with market perceptions in mind. Koensayr recognized that the "rebel Y-wing" held a certain prestige compared to the original BTL-B Y-wing starfighter/bomber. Furthermore, acknowledging the preference for customizable vessels, the BTA-NR2 was designed to mirror the adaptable nature of the BTL-A4 Y-wing assault starfighter/bomber. Its dimensions included a length of 18.17 meters, a width of 8.78 meters, and a height of 2.85 meters. Powered by twin Koensayr R750 ion jet engines, it achieved a maximum acceleration of 2,750 Gs, a speed of 80 MGLT, and an atmospheric velocity of 1,050 kph. The price for a new BTA-NR2 was 185,000 credits, while a pre-owned model could be acquired for 95,000 credits.

The BTA-NR2 incorporated a class 1 Koensayr R400-H hyperdrive, life support systems, a Chempat deflector shield generator, and a Guidenhauser ejector seat. Additional onboard technology consisted of a Fabritech ANq 5.8 tracking computer and an astromech droid bay located behind the cockpit for navigational support and system monitoring. The starfighter's armaments included two Taim & Bak IX4-B laser cannons, a turret equipped with dual ArMek SW-9 ion cannons, and two Arakyd Flex Tube proton torpedo launchers capable of firing proton torpedos, alongside the capability to deploy proton bombs. However, due to Koensayr's contractual obligations with the New Republic, the design adhered to the armament limitations stipulated by the Galactic Concordance. Consequently, Resistance variants of the BTA-NR2 were modified with weaponry prohibited by the New Republic, such as enhanced ordnance launchers and turret-mounted ion cannons, to effectively engage the forces of the First Order.

Teza Nasz piloted a BTA-NR2 during the evacuation of D'Qar.

The craft required a single pilot and possessed enough consumables to sustain the pilot for one week. While visually similar to the BTL-A4 Y-wing assault starfighter/bomber, the BTA-NR2 incorporated several technological improvements, including more advanced sensors, more resilient deflector shields, enhanced controls, and improved flight-monitoring systems. The R750 engines also represented an upgrade over the R200 ion jet engines of its predecessors, providing increased speed, greater durability, and reduced maintenance requirements.

Other notable features and systems of the BTA-NR2 included support pylons, a photonic ship-to-ship communication system, a long-range targeting sensor array, a neck repulsorlift, automated turret computer systems, a laser tip, electromagnetic gyros, a central power cell, a wing repulsorlift, cooling intakes, heat vents, deflector ducts, a hyperdrive tachyon exhaust, a hyperdrive sequencer, a main coolant pump, cockpit pod ejectors, a cockpit canopy, a vectral ring, and an exhaust nozzle. The BTA-NR2 featured a titanium-reinforced alusteel hull, and owners could opt for stylized "replica" armor plating reminiscent of the BTL-B Y-wing fighter-bomber from the era of the Galactic Republic. Squadron markings could also be applied to the hull.

Operational Use

The BTA-NR2 Y-wing starfighter served the New Republic as a "peacekeeping" vessel, employed for patrol duties and planetary defense. It retained the ability to engage in both bombardment and combat scenarios. The fundamental design remained largely consistent, though later models omitted ordnance capabilities, precluding their use as bombers.

Historical Context


A ventral view of a BTA-NR2 Y-wing

While Koensayr Manufacturing's BTL-B Y-wing fighter-bomber was widely used by the Galactic Republic during the Clone Wars, the rise of the Galactic Empire prevented Koensayr from securing government contracts. Subsequently, the Rebel Alliance began utilizing decommissioned BTL-B Y-wing fighter-bombers and BTL-A4 Y-wings against the Empire. Following the Alliance's victory over the Galactic Empire and the establishment of the New Republic, Koensayr acknowledged the role its products played in galactic liberation and resumed production of the Y-wing starfighter line, resulting in the BTA-NR2 Y-wing starfighter.

Service Under the Republic

The BTA-NR2 Y-wing was marketed as "the starfighter that broke the Empire's back" and was sold to the New Republic, adhering to treaty restrictions. With the emergence of the First Order, the Resistance formed to oppose it, acquiring BTA-NR2 Y-wings and modifying them beyond treaty limitations to enhance their effectiveness. These modified Y-wings saw action during the war between the First Order and the Resistance, with several participating as part of a contingent of starships that emerged from hyperspace alongside the CR90 corvette Tantive IV, T-70 X-wing starfighters, RZ-2 A-wing interceptors, B-wing Mark IIIs, and the YC-123B transport hauler Fortitude to confront the Sith Eternal forces at Exegol.

The Skirmish Above Exegol

The BTA-NR2 Y-wing starfighter Comeuppance confronting a Xyston-class Star Destroyer

During the Battle of Exegol, numerous Resistance pilots flew the BTA-NR2 Y-wing. Spicerunner Zorii Bliss arrived with the Citizens' Fleet aboard her BTA-NR2 Y-wing, named Comeuppance, which also carried droidsmith Babu Frik. Bliss successfully shot down two TIE/dg starfighters and destroyed one of the Xyston-class Star Destroyers. Following the battle, Bliss traveled to the Resistance base on Ajan Kloss to celebrate their triumph over Darth Sidious and the Sith Eternal.

Production Notes

The BTA-NR2 Y-wing starfighter made its debut in the 2019 film Star Wars: Episode IX The Rise of Skywalker. Its official designation was revealed in the 2019 reference book, Ultimate Star Wars, New Edition.

