Mission to Kijimi

In the year 35 ABY, a quest was undertaken by Rey, Finn, and Poe Dameron, all members of the Resistance. Their destination was Kijimi, where they planned to hack the memory banks of C-3PO to discover the whereabouts of the Emperor's wayfinder. During this endeavor, the Resistance group also discovered that Chewbacca was, in fact, alive. They had previously believed him to have perished on Pasaana, as a result of the events that transpired there. Consequently, they launched a rescue operation for Chewbacca aboard the Steadfast, the Star Destroyer commanded by Supreme Leader Kylo Ren, which had just arrived in orbit above the planet.


Following their escape from Pasaana and the loss of Chewie, the Falcon, and the dagger, Poe determined that their best course of action was to travel to Kijimi. There, he hoped to enlist the aid of an old ally capable of deciphering the Sith code locked within C-3PO's memory. Agreeing to this plan, Poe and his companions started up the Bestoon Legacy and set a course for the planet, unaware that the Knights of Ren were tailing them. Along their journey, the Resistance team encountered and successfully reactivated a droid known as D-O.

The mission

Finding Babu Frik

The First Order ruled Kijimi with an iron fist

Upon reaching the snow-covered planet of Kijimi, Poe set out to scout for any presence of First Order patrol units. Discovering that the entire village was under the control of the First Order, the team attempted to evade detection by stromtroopers. However, just as they thought they were in the clear, a gun was aimed at Poe's head. An unfamiliar woman accused him of foolishly returning. Poe recognized her as Zorii Bliss, a former associate from his days as a spice runner. Despite Poe's attempts to smooth things over, Zorii harbored a deep-seated resentment towards him. When Rey intervened, attempting to reason with her, Zorii launched an attack. However, Rey swiftly subdued Zorii's spice runner crew using her staff and lightsaber. This display of power convinced Zorii to offer her assistance and guide them to Babu Frik.

Babu explained that he possessed the ability to bypass the programming, but warned that doing so would result in the complete erasure of C-3PO's memory. Concluding that it was the most viable option, C-3PO granted Babu Frik permission to proceed. As a result, they learned that the Emperor's Sith wayfinder was located on a moon within the Endor system, a fact that Finn noted was the site where the last war concluded. Suddenly, a noise was heard emanating from the Steadfast, which had just entered the planet's orbit. While Poe and Zorii went to the deck, Rey sensed that Chewbacca was still alive.

Resolved to carry out a rescue mission, Rey, Finn, and Poe prepared to board the Steadfast, but not before Zorii gifted Poe with a First Order Captain's Medallion. Utilizing the device to gain access to the Star Destroyer, the team divided into three groups: Rey tasked with retrieving the Sith dagger, Finn and Poe responsible for rescuing Chewie, while C-3PO, BB-8, and D-0 remained with the ship.

A fateful duel

In their pursuit of Rey and her companions, the Knights of Ren slaughtered the majority of the Spice Runners. As Rey advanced towards Kylo Ren's quarters, she came across the mask that once belonged to his grandfather, the Sith Lord Darth Vader. Spotting the dagger alongside Chewbacca's bowcaster and bandolier, she moved to retrieve them.

At that moment, Kylo Ren, who had just arrived on Kijimi, experienced another Force-bond connection with Rey. He informed her that Darth Sidious desired her death and revealed his knowledge of what had befallen her parents. Rey ignited her lightsaber and attacked Ren, leading to a lightsaber duel that spanned across the two locations. As Ren urged Rey to remember her parents, she recalled that they had hidden her on Jakku for her safety and were subsequently killed by Ochi on the Emperor's orders when they refused to disclose their daughter's location. As the duel raged on, both combatants simultaneously struck the pedestal supporting Vader's charred helmet, causing it to fall to the ground before Ren. Realizing that she was in his personal quarters, Ren instructed a stormtrooper to lock down the ship.

Meanwhile, Finn and Poe succeeded in rescuing Chewie and attempted to fight their way out, but were ultimately captured. Allegiant General Enric Pryde commanded General Armitage Hux to execute them. Once alone with three stormtroopers, Hux requested that one of them allow him to carry out the execution of the Resistance members himself. After receiving a blaster, Hux turned and shot the troopers, revealing himself to be the Resistance spy. As he escorted the group towards the Millennium Falcon, Hux requested that Finn shoot him in the shoulder to avoid raising suspicion. However, Finn shot him in the leg and questioned his motives for aiding them. Hux responded that he did not care who won, but that he wanted Kylo Ren to lose.

Ren cornered Rey aboard his Star Destroyer to reveal her lineage as a Palpatine and their bond as a dyad.

As Rey confronted Ren in the hangar bay, she demanded to know why Sidious wanted her dead. Ren responded by saying that she possessed his power, revealing that her father was the son of the Emperor, making her his granddaughter, just as Ren's mother was the daughter of Vader. Ren further stated that he and Rey were a dyad in the force, and that together they could defeat Sidious and claim the throne of the Sith for themselves. As Ren pressed her to make a decision, Rey declared that she already had, just as the Falcon arrived. Rey leaped from the hangar bay towards Finn on the Falcon's ramp, and the Resistance made their escape.


Rey and her teams search the wreckage of the second death star

En route to Kef Bir, Rey was deeply troubled by the revelation of her heritage. As Finn approached to offer comfort, Rey confided in him that she intended to find Sidious and destroy him. Meanwhile, Sidious contacted Ren through the Force, informing him that he sensed Rey was still alive. Warning him that failure would result in his fleet being turned against him, Sidious emphasized the importance of Rey's death. Aboard the bridge, an injured Hux reported the rescue to Pryde. Seeing through Hux's deception, the Allegiant General executed Hux immediately before informing Ren that their traitor had been discovered.

With the majority of its members deceased, the Spice Runners of Kijimi disintegrated. Most of the survivors evacuated the planet. Babu Frik remained behind to work on a battle droid, having been promised a substantial payment for his services, realizing that he would suddenly need that payment without the gang being active. When the Sith Eternal designated Kijimi for destruction as a warning to the galaxy, Bliss rescued Frik and escaped with him.

