Red Leader, also known as Red One or Red 1, was the callsign assigned to the commanding officer of Red Squadron.
During the Battle of Mon Cala, Commander Monnk held the position of Red Leader.
Obi-Wan Kenobi assumed the role of Red Leader for the Galactic Republic while participating in the Battle of Coruscant during the Clone Wars.
Samala Loené, known as Red Leader, was dispatched alongside the rest of Red Flight of the Alliance to Restore the Republic to assist Extraction Team Bravo in the Wobani system against approaching Imperial forces in 0 BBY.

Garven Dreis, with the rank of Commander, took on the mantle of Red Leader for the Rebel Alliance in both the Battle of Scarif and the Battle of Yavin, until he was shot down by Darth Vader during his attack run on the Empire's original Death Star.

After the Battle of Yavin, the seasoned pilot Arhul Narra, holding the rank of Commander, assumed command of Red Squadron and acted as Red Leader during several engagements, including a skirmish in the Kiax Nebula, a mission to Giju, and the Battle of Vrogas Vas. He was ultimately killed in an Imperial ambush not long before the Battle of Hoth around 3 ABY.
Following the retreat from Hoth in 3 ABY, Wedge Antilles was appointed commander of the newly formed Red Squadron and promoted to commander by the Contessa; he then served as Red Leader during an attack on an asteroid mining station.
At some point, Luke Skywalker, a Commander, adopted the Red Leader callsign during a battle at Elessia when the Seventh Division of the Alliance was assaulted by forces under the command of Ellian Zahra.
In 4 ABY, Commander Wedge Antilles once again took on the role of Red Leader during the decisive Battle of Endor.