Attack on an asteroid mining station

During the Galactic Civil War, the Alliance to Restore the Republic mounted an attack against a pirate base. The reason for this assault was the base's dangerous proximity to the Alliance Fleet's rendezvous point, which was being used after the evacuation of Hoth. Commander Wedge Antilles spearheaded the operation, leading the newly re-established Red Squadron with the goal of obliterating the pirate base and its occupants.


In 3 ABY, not long after the evacuation of Hoth, the Seventh Division of the Rebel Alliance Navy had gathered again at a predetermined rendezvous point, still awaiting the return of crucial personnel. With concerns rising that key figures like Luke Skywalker might not return, the Contessa elevated Wedge Antilles to the rank of commander and charged him with the task of reforming his squadron. Antilles, together with his newly appointed executive officer, Lieutenant Wes Janson, enlisted pilots to create a revitalized Red Squadron. They were given only a few days to train before being assigned a critical mission. An old mining station on a nearby asteroid, now a pirate haven, posed a threat to the Alliance's rendezvous point and needed to be eliminated. Red Squadron began with a reconnaissance mission to gather intel and formulate a plan for the following day.


Leading the squadron, Antilles executed a pincer movement on the pirate base, employing two flights of three X-wings that converged from opposing directions with the intention of complete destruction. The squadron was divided into four flights: Antilles' and Janson's flights targeted the landing field, while Scotian's and Elar's flights provided cover for Antilles' and Janson's flights, respectively. Sila Kott and Tomer Darpen were Antilles' wingmates, Keyser Salm and Barlon Hightower flew with Janson, Ix Ixstra and Cinda Tarheel were with Will Scotian, and Grizz Frix and Penn Zowlie accompanied Bela Elar. The pirates launched Z-95 Headhunters, a Nighthawk fighter, and an interceptor, leading to a dogfight with the squadron's X-wing escort. Janson's torpedoes destroyed the hangar, but Elar noticed a modified freighter, the pirate mothership, attempting to escape. Antilles, however, was successful in destroying it before it could jump to hyperspace.


Out of the twelve pilots who participated, only nine returned to the fleet's flagship Home One after the deaths of Barlon Hightower, Ix Ixstra, and Penn Zowlie. Despite these losses, the mission was ultimately a success, ensuring the safety of the Alliance's rendezvous point. Eventually, Organa, Skywalker, and the crew of the Millennium Falcon would reunite with the Fourth Division instead of Antilles' group, only reuniting with Antilles, Red Squadron, and the Seventh Division during the battle at Elessia. Mothma, in the meantime, was part of the Eleventh Division by the time of the Battle of Ab Dalis.

