Alecia Beck

Alecia Beck, a human female, held the rank of senior commander within the Imperial Security Bureau. Following the Battle of Yavin, her assignment was to track down Lieutenant Caluan Ematt, an operative of the opposing Alliance to Restore the Republic.


Alecia Beck, a human female, became a member of the Imperial Security Bureau, the Galactic Empire's larger intelligence division. During her initial ISB tenure, Beck, then a mere lieutenant, discovered her training superior selling classified information for credits. Despite the fact that he was a full captain, Beck confronted him in the maintenance bay aboard the Star Destroyer Vehement. The captain tried to kill her with a laser cutter he found nearby. The two then fought. Beck ultimately prevailed, though she lost her left eye in the process. As a result, Beck was promoted and received an award.

At one point, Beck attempted to arrange a meeting with Senator Mon Mothma. Hendri Underholt, Mon Mothma's aide, falsely informed Beck that the senator was on a fact-finding mission to Goroth. Mon Mothma commended Underholt for her response.

By the time of the Battle of Yavin, Beck had achieved the rank of Senior Commander in the ISB, making her one of the few women in the Empire with a high rank. Her mission was to hunt the Shrikes, a special reconnaissance unit of the Alliance to Restore the Republic. When news broke that the Alliance had destroyed the Empire's Death Star battle station in the Yavin system, all ISB senior commanders received immediate orders to pursue their current objectives.

Alecia Beck encountered Han Solo when he attempted to rescue Caluan Ematt.

On Taanab, Beck and her forces ambushed the Shrikes. With the exception of their leader, Caluan Ematt, who successfully escaped, all Shrikes were killed. Ematt managed to send a short-burst transmission to the Alliance, informing his allies of the Tanaab incident. Eventually, Beck and the ISB discovered that Ematt had traveled to Cyrkon, located in Hutt Space. Commander Beck hoped to learn the Alliance's new location following the Battle of Yavin by capturing Ematt. The Vehement was strategically positioned to block all air traffic to and from Cyrkon, while Beck, accompanied by four squads of stormtroopers in white armor, went to the surface. While searching the planetary starport, Beck recognized the Millennium Falcon, a worn-down freighter owned by Corellian smuggler Han Solo, a known member of the Alliance. Beck and her men were waiting for Solo, Ematt, and the Wookiee Chewbacca when they entered the docking bay containing the Falcon. However, Beck underestimated Han Solo's sheer nerve. The Corellian smuggler destroyed the magnetic shield that protected the docking bay from Cyrkon's polluted atmosphere. Solo, Chewbacca, and Ematt were able to board the Falcon and flee in the ensuing mayhem. Commander Beck briefed Admiral J. Ras-Teker on the situation and immediately began calculating their potential destinations, determined to prevent Ematt from escaping her a third time. Beck's failure on the mission cost her a promotion.

Around the time of the annexation of Cloud City, which brought a major tibanna gas supplier under Imperial control, Beck was deployed to the moon of Madurs as an ambassador, where the Empire aimed to secure carnium. However, Beck instructed the local government to prepare for an art expo to conceal the regime's actual goals. As she encouraged Prime Minister Dreand Yens and his administration to construct a small city of visitor apartments, the Empire prepared for the upcoming mining operation, with a space station in orbit scanning for the best mining location, settling on a spot next to a populated city. Beck revealed the Empire's true desire for the carnium during negotiations, but Yens rejected the Empire's offer to buy it for far less than its value. Beck departed on a shuttle, and before nightfall, the Empire launched an attack by dropping its space station from orbit into the ice. The impact resulted in over two thousand deaths and the destruction of the city.

Beck oversaw the mining operation, which began to destabilize Madurs, with Yens serving as her reluctant puppet leader. Following the Battle of Endor, which Beck dismissed as rebel propaganda, she received orders to wrap things up. The Imperials promised to pay reparations before leaving, but even if true, it would have been too late for Madurs. However, the operation began to fall apart when Solo and Leia Organa arrived on Madurs during their honeymoon, as Organa hoped to begin talks with Yens about joining the New Republic. Beck was eager to kill Solo, but both rebels eluded her grasp. As they both joined the local resistance movement under Yens and attacked the mining operation, Beck and the other officers attempted to flee Madurs, leaving their stormtroopers and drill behind, on someone's orders. However, the arrival of Green Squadron under Shara Bey blocked Beck's escape, leading to her capture by the rebels. Organa was particularly interested in learning who had been giving Beck orders, and the defeat of the Imperial force on Madurs allowed the local government and New Republic to begin stabilizing the water moon.

During a mission to Vetine with Luke Skywalker, Bey impersonated Commander Beck in an attempt to infiltrate the secret Imperial labs there. However, they overlooked the fact that Beck was missing her left eye, thus blowing their cover and forcing them to fight their way out.

Personality and traits

Alecia Beck, a human woman, was fiercely loyal to Emperor Palpatine. She had a cybernetic eye and wore her blond hair in a tight bun, which Leia Organa thought made her appear almost bald. As Organa noted, she possessed a confident gait indicative of someone with extensive and deadly experience. While some claimed the Empire had fallen after the Battle of Endor, Beck dismissed the event as rebel propaganda. Beck harbored a deep hatred for Han Solo, blaming him for a lost promotion and desiring to kill him. Upon her capture, she ranted about him. Beck was more intelligent than the average Imperial stormtrooper. She was willing to abandon her forces on Madurs, but Organa and Solo suspected that was only because she was ordered to.

