Green Leader was a pilot of the human male persuasion who fought for the early rebellion during the early rebellion against the forces of the Galactic Empire. In approximately 2 BBY, he took on the role of leader for Green Squadron. In this role, he and his squadron, consisting of six A-wings, were assigned the duty of protecting a GR-75 medium transport in the vicinity of Teralov. The Imperial forces attacked the convoy, resulting in the destruction of all Rebel ships by TIE/IN interceptors.
The pilot was equipped with a green flight suit along with a grey helmet that featured a gold visor. He piloted an A-wing fighter, which was painted light grey with a blue stripe, a departure from the green color scheme of his squadron's fighters.
This character's initial appearance was in the Star Wars Rebels episode entitled "The Antilles Extraction," where his vocal performance was delivered by Steve Blum.