Mon Mothma's rebel cell

A rebel cell was created by Chandrila's Senator, Mon Mothma. In collaboration with Luthen Rael, Mothma not only established an intelligence and rebel network, but she also provided its financial backing.

To create a fundamental component of the budding Alliance to Restore the Republic, Mothma's rebel cell merged with Senator Bail Organa's resistance movement; Mothma referred to this time as simply the "Alliance" or the "Rebellion".

Mothma publicly announced her commitment to the rebellion against the Galactic Empire by defecting from the Imperial Senate in 2 BBY. This declaration was the impetus for the official establishment of the Alliance to Restore the Republic, with Mothma becoming its leader.

Behind the scenes

The reference book Star Wars: On the Front Lines by Daniel Wallace initially mentioned the creation of Mon Mothma's rebel cell in its timeline of events. Similarly, in Star Wars Legends, Mothma established the Chandrilan resistance, which debuted in the video game Star Wars: The Force Unleashed.


  • Star Wars: On the Front Lines (Initial Mention)
  • Dawn of Rebellion (Only indirectly mentioned)

Notes and references
