Battle above Desevro

A skirmish unfolded over Desevro as the forces of the Galactic Empire launched a two-pronged assault against a convoy belonging to the New Republic. Leading one Imperial contingent was the Imperial II-class Star Destroyer Overseer and Titan Squadron, commanded by Captain Terisa Kerrill. Their objective was to extract data from the convoy pertaining to the whereabouts of Project Starhawk. Simultaneously, on another front, Captain Amos helmed the Imperial II-class Star Destroyer Tormentor, the last remaining Star Destroyer of the local fleet. The imprudent actions of Amos and the Tormentor ultimately limited Titan Squadron's success to only acquiring the sector coordinates for Project Starhawk.


Hologram of New Republic convoy

From the intelligence that was obtained after the extraction of Agent Thorn from the orbital station positioned above Hosnian Prime, Captain Terisa Kerrill came to know of a New Republic engineering convoy en route from Hosnian Prime to the covert location of Project Starhawk. The convoy's planned route took it directly through the disputed territory of Desevro, where it would attempt to mask its presence within a nearby debris field. Local Imperial units received instructions to remain uninvolved. Titan Squadron was tasked with tailing the convoy through the wreckage, allowing them to jump to hyperspace, and then calculating all potential destinations along their trajectory in order to pinpoint Project Starhawk.


Titan Squadron's arrival point was just outside the debris field, and Titan Three, piloting a TIE/rp Reaper attack lander, initiated a squadron mask to conceal their vessels from the New Republic convoy, thereby avoiding detection. Furthermore, Titan executed a slow flight pattern, utilizing debris clusters within the field as cover to remain hidden, and refrained from using any speed boosts.

Tormentor arrives

Just as they reached their designated holding position, awaiting the convoy's passage, the Tormentor, a heavily damaged Imperial II-class Star Destroyer belonging to the local Imperial garrison, emerged from hyperspace directly in the convoy's path. It initiated its own missile barrage against the convoy, thereby disrupting Titan's operation and jeopardizing the acquisition of intelligence concerning Project Starhawk's location. Kerrill issued orders for Titan Squadron to safeguard the convoy by neutralizing the incoming missiles. Captain Amos, driven by recklessness and a desire to eliminate enemy forces, failed to comprehend why Kerrill's squadron was defending the New Republic vessels. While Amos' Star Destroyer engaged the EF76 Nebulon-B escort frigate and the CR90 corvettes, a squadron of T-65B X-wing starfighters entered the fray and confronted Titan Squadron. Three of the GR-75 medium transports attempted a hyperspace escape, but Titan Three swiftly disabled them using ion cannons.

Shuttle with boarding parties retrieve intel from transports

The Overseer then arrived, deploying three Lambda-class T-4a shuttles, each carrying a boarding team. These shuttles docked with the crippled transports to retrieve the desired intelligence, while Titan Squadron continued to repel successive waves of X-wings. Once the intel was secured, Titan Squadron escorted the shuttles back to the Overseer, successfully evading the pursuing X-wings. Just as the shuttles reached the safety of the hangar bay, Captain Amos declared victory, claiming the destruction of the remaining frigate and corvettes. However, Kerrill cautioned him to maintain distance from the exploding frigate, but her warning came too late for the headstrong captain, as the resulting blast engulfed the Tormentor, costing Amos his life.


Tormentor destroyed

With the intelligence secured on the Overseer, Kerrill obtained the sector coordinates for Project Starhawk and directed Titan Squadron to eliminate all surviving disabled transports. Captain Kerrill felt that this action would send a strong message to Commander Lindon Javes, indicating that Titan Squadron was closing in. Later, Kerrill's forces tracked a convoy into the Zavian Abyss, where an ambush revealed the Starhawk for the first time, causing damage to the Overseer. Ultimately, Kerrill ascertained the precise location of Project Starhawk and spearheaded an attack with Titan Squadron on the Nadiri Dockyards and the Starhawk itself.

