Varko Grey

As Titan Leader, Varko Grey, a captain by military rank within the Galactic Empire, commanded Titan Squadron. This male human ace pilot initially served as a police officer in the ParSec region of Parkella, working to uphold order amidst perceived corruption. Eventually, he became an Imperial TIE pilot, convinced that the Empire offered the only solution for a galaxy in disarray.


Early life

During the Imperial Era, Varko Grey served as a police officer in the ParSec sector on Parkella, with the aim of fighting against what he saw as corruption and injustice. After time passed, Grey's belief that the Galactic Empire's TIE fighter pilots were the only hope for the galaxy's instability led him to become one himself. Grey later married Emory, his husband, who was always relieved when Grey survived his battles against all odds. After serving for a while, Grey attained the military rank of captain and was given command of Titan Squadron as Titan Leader.

Strike on Var-Shaa

Leading an attack run

In the aftermath of the Battle of Endor during the Galactic Civil War between the Empire and the Rebel Alliance, Grey and Titan Squadron were aboard the ISD Overseer when the New Republic, the Rebel Alliance's successor, launched a strike on the Var-Shaa dockyard. During the assault, Grey, flying a TIE/IN interceptor, spearheaded Imperial squadrons against New Republic Defense Fleet capital ships, specifically targeting a New Republic MC75 Star Cruiser. Grey and his team eliminated two BTL-A4 Y-wing assault starfighter/bombers that had just taken out an Imperial Raider-class corvette, and continued his attack on the New Republic forces. However, Captain Terisa Kerrill soon instructed him to cease the attack and return to the Overseer since the dockyard above Var-Shaa was lost. Grey and his pilots retreated, flying over the burning wreckage of the dockyard and a nearby Imperial I-class Star Destroyer. While withdrawing, Titan Three informed Captain Grey that she was under attack by three RZ-1 A-wing interceptors and wouldn't survive. Grey relayed the information about the remaining TIEs to command, but Kerrill stated that she was abandoning them to prevent the destruction of another Star Destroyer.

Dogfighting over Var-Shaa

Grey quickly maneuvered his TIE interceptor and shot down two A-wing interceptors, saving Titan Three. After Titan Three thanked him, Grey instructed her to head to the hangar, but she was soon destroyed and killed by a New Republic pilot. The destruction of Titan Three's TIE/sa bomber caused Grey to collide with the debris and explosion, damaging the top starboard wing of his interceptor. Grey then received a transmission from Kerrill stating that the Overseer was ready to jump into hyperspace. Grey adjusted his ship's systems and sped towards the Overseer, determined not to be left behind. Despite his efforts, the Overseer jumped to lightspeed, abandoning him amidst the battle debris.

After coming to terms with his situation, Grey powered down his ship and concealed himself among the debris, hoping to avoid detection by the New Republic forces. Although the Republic forces flew past him, the New Republic pilot who had shot down Titan Three broke formation and began scanning the debris with a spotlight. Grey assessed his ship's systems and condition, bracing himself for a potential confrontation. Shortly after being spotted, Grey quickly powered up and fired on the Republic T-65B X-wing starfighter, weaving through the wreckage and into Var-Shaa's atmosphere as debris rained down towards the surface. Upon entering the atmosphere, Grey was pursued and attacked by the New Republic pilot, who fired his laser cannons at Grey's interceptor. Soon after, a missile was launched from the X-wing starfighter, but Grey evaded it and deployed countermeasures, sending the missile back towards the Republic pilot, who managed to destroy it before impact.

Grey and the Republic pilot engaged in a dogfight in the skies above Var-Shaa, maneuvering through the clouds and inflicting damage on each other, including further damage to Grey's interceptor's wings and the destruction of the R-series astromech droid on the X-wing. Grey then flew towards the rocky fjordlands and rivers of Var-Shaa, as a large amount of orbital debris fell nearby. Grey navigated through the fjordlands and canyons with the New Republic pilot firing at him from behind, eventually sustaining a critical hit. The X-wing's shot damaged the cockpit of the TIE interceptor, creating a large hole that penetrated the rear of the cockpit and the windshield. Due to the damage to his ship and uniform, Grey removed his helmet and continued flying through the canyons, while still under enemy fire. After the two split into adjacent canyons, the Republic pilot contacted Grey, declaring that the war was over. Although Grey was affected by this statement, he continued to navigate through the terrain. They eventually emerged over an ocean, and after Grey executed a maneuver that created a wall of water in the air, the Republic pilot flew through it, became distracted, and crashed into a small mesa, destroying his starfighter and killing him.

Marooned on Var-Shaa

After surviving the dogfight with a critically damaged interceptor, Grey's ship lost power and began to descend towards the water's surface. Grey released the controls, accepting his fate, and the TIE crashed and tumbled on the ocean's surface. As the sun set, Grey crawled out of the water onto a beach, with his helmet and debris from his TIE scattered around him. He built a campfire and sat on the beach, reflecting on the New Republic pilot's words while gazing at the burning wreckage and the sunset. Soon after, Grey received a transmission from his fellow Imperials who were searching for him. Grey stood up and declared that the war was not over for him. His Imperial comrades arrived in their TIE ships and rescued their captain.

Fight against the Republic

Despite suffering losses after the Empire's defeat at Endor, Titan Squadron remained active after the strike on Var-Shaa, driven by their determination to continue fighting against the New Republic's Vanguard Squadron.

Personality and traits

Varko Grey, a human male, possessed long black hair, a mustache, and tan skin. He began his career in law enforcement, battling corruption and injustice. Grey struggled with the Empire's methods but remained loyal due to the sacrifices of his comrades. He joined the Empire believing it offered the best chance for a chaotic galaxy. Grey was married to his husband, Emory.

Skills and abilities

Varko Grey was an ace pilot who achieved the rank of captain and the position of Titan Leader within the Galactic Empire.


As a skilled TIE fighter pilot and Imperial officer, Grey flew a TIE/IN interceptor and wore the standard TIE fighter pilot uniform, distinguished by a personalized matte grey thick vertical line on his helmet.

Behind the scenes

Varko Grey is a character featured in the 2020 video game Star Wars: Squadrons, voiced by Noshir Dalal. He was first revealed in the game's trailer on June 15, 2020. The character then appeared in "Hunted," a short film released on September 14, 2020, to promote the game, which revealed Grey's name, while his full name was confirmed in an article on on the same day.

