A wreckage zone, composed of salvaged pieces from the starship, encompassed the planet Sissubo, found within the Chandrila system of the Bormea sector. This field of scattered remains stretched out as far as the boundary of the adjacent Ringali Nebula. During the period of the Galactic Civil War, this final resting place contained what was left of capital ships, notably Imperial-class Star Destroyers, stemming from the New Republic's initiative known as Project Starhawk. It served as an initial defensive perimeter for the New Republic's central world located on nearby Chandrila.
In the aftermath of the Galactic Empire's assault upon the New Republic's covert installation at the Nadiri Dockyards, Titan Squadron attacked the Nadiri fleet. This fleet was in retreat from the Nadiri Dockyards, utilizing the debris field as protection while struggling to reach Chandrila, due to the fact that the hyperdrives on both the Temperance and their fresh Starhawk prototype were impaired. Following significant casualties, General Hera Syndulla changed the fleet's course, directing them through the Ringali Nebula towards Galitan, thereby isolating them from any potential New Republic support.