Anvil Squadron functioned as a starfighter squadron within the New Republic following the Battle of Endor. During the Galactic Civil War, this squadron operated from the Silver Coronet. They were frequently deployed to planets at risk, such as Mon Cala, to shield civilians from the Galactic Empire's offensives. The Battle of Galitan also saw their participation.
Composed of starfighter pilots and their astromech droids, Anvil Squadron served as a component of the New Republic. An individual holding the callsign Anvil Leader directed the squadron. Commander Lindon Javes joined them in one engagement, personally overseeing their tactical maneuvers.
Anvil Squadron was part of a fleet that included the Silver Coronet, their MC75 Star Cruiser flagship and headquarters, CR90 corvettes, and at least one Nebulon-B medical frigate. The squadron's arsenal included BTL-A4 Y-wing starfighters, RZ-1 A-wing interceptors, T-65B X-wing starfighters, and UT-60D U-wing starfighter/support craft. The squadron's size was larger than the standard 12 starfighters, with an estimated 30 active at any given time. Their starfighters were distinguished by yellow stripes.
At some point during the Galactic Civil War, Anvil Squadron engaged with Imperial forces, resulting in the downing of at least one TIE pilot named Shen.
Four years after Alderaan's destruction, Anvil Squadron responded to an Imperial strike on the New Republic's fuel depot above Mon Cala, which was spearheaded by Titan Squadron employing rapid hit-and-run tactics to sow discord. Anvil deployed a substantial number of A-wings, U-wings, X-wings, and Y-wings, but sustained considerable casualties during the ensuing chaos, including the loss of their flagship, the Silver Coronet.
Later on, Anvil Squadron answered a distress signal from General Hera Syndulla and Commander Lindon Javes, whose fleet had sustained heavy damage and was cornered by Imperial forces near the moon Galitan, situated within the Ringali Nebula. Under Javes' personal command, Anvil fought to safeguard the critically damaged Starhawk from a final assault by Titan Squadron. However, they couldn't prevent Titan from damaging the Starhawk's tractor beam core, which ultimately led to its catastrophic failure. Anvil endured significant losses, yet managed to destroy an Imperial II-class Star Destroyer with Javes' assistance. Javes' X-wing was shot down in a dogfight with one of Titan's TIE pilots, but he survived and subsequently aided Vanguard Squadron in defending the Starhawk from successive waves of TIE fighters while it was being towed into the moon's exposed core. As the Starhawk impacted the moon, its unstable core detonated, triggering a massive explosion of molten rock and a shockwave that obliterated all enemy vessels within range.
Anvil Squadron was featured in the single-player campaign and as a cosmetic customization option for multiplayer starfighters in the 2020 video game Star Wars: Squadrons.