The clash known as the Battle of Yavin Prime unfolded in the skies above Yavin Prime. During this confrontation, the New Republic's Talus Group managed to trap the Imperial II-class Star Destroyer named Victorum within the planet's atmosphere. With assistance from both Vanguard Squadron and a team of boarders, they successfully seized control of the vessel and repelled incoming Imperial backup forces.
The Imperial II-class Star Destroyer Victorum was cornered by Talus Group during a skirmish, but their CR90 corvette sustained significant damage. Wedge Antilles then showed up with Vanguard Squadron and eliminated a TIE interceptors group that were attacking Talus Group. Subsequently, Vanguard launched a direct assault on the crippled Star Destroyer. Vanguard Five discovered a point of entry and escorted several U-wings carrying a boarding party onto the destroyer. A Quasar Fire-class cruiser-carrier then warped into the atmosphere and deployed squadrons of TIE fighters as reinforcements. Vanguard successfully fought off these fighters and destroyed the carrier, only to have three more carriers jump into the battle. However, the boarding crew managed to wrest control of the Star Destroyer and used its weapons to obliterate the carriers.

After the conclusion of the battle, Vanguard squadron made their way back to the Temperance, and Wedge embarked on another assignment. The Victorum attempted to jump to the Nadiri Dockyards, but the jump was incomplete, resulting in their arrival in a debris field located above Desevro. Desperately needing repairs, they requested assistance from Vanguard Squadron to defend them against an Imperial attack.