Wyl Lark's squadron

During the Cerberon system campaign, Wyl Lark of the New Republic commanded a combined garrison and squadron. This force consisted of a varied collection of starfighters and airspeeders.


The attack on Cerberon by Colonel Soran Keize's 204th Imperial Fighter Wing against New Republic forces orbiting Troithe led to widespread casualties and the scattering of personnel throughout the Cerberon system. Facing a scarcity of both New Republic pilots and starfighters, Nath Tensent and Wyl Lark, who were the sole surviving Alphabet Squadron pilots on Troithe after the assault, established an improvised squadron. This unit included several members of the 61st Mobile Infantry repurposed as pilots, along with a few recovered airspeeders and an antiquated Clone Wars era V-wing. The aging airspeeders required significant repair and the addition of weaponry to make them combat-ready. Despite his prior experience leading his own squadron, Tensent declined the command role, passing the responsibility to Lark.

Lark assembled a team of pilots from individuals with any prior flight training, including Prinspai, Gorgeous Su, Ubellikos, Vitale, and Denish Wraive. Working with the senior officers of Twilight Company, Lark formulated a strategy to capture the Core Nine mining megafacility for use as a fortified position. They embarked on the long trek across the continent. Unfortunately, Shadow Wing had the same objective, and they were ambushed by TIE scouts. Gorgeous Su, along with the twenty soldiers aboard her airspeeder, gave their lives to ensure the caravan's survival.

Later, upon reaching the facility, the assault commenced. Tensent created a breach in the wall to allow the soldiers to enter. Lark issued commands to his squadron, but Prinspai and Ubellikos were shot down, and Wraive was forced to retreat. The arrival of Vanguard Squadron allowed for their rescue, and ultimately, the planet was secured.


After the battles on Troithe, General Hera Syndulla received a newly outfitted Star Destroyer, named Deliverance, as her flagship. Wyl Lark was promoted to commander of the Deliverance's starfighter wing. The remaining elements of his makeshift assault force of airspeeders and cloud cars were reorganized into a new unit called Wild Squadron. This squadron continued the tradition of the previous unit, serving as a haven for unconventional pilots and starfighters.

Behind the scenes

The squadron led by Wyl Lark was introduced in Alexander Freed's 2020 novel, Shadow Fall.

