The Core Nine mining megafacility, also known as Core Nine, functioned as a substantial deep core drilling location. It was characterized by its dome-shaped top and cylindrical construction and was instrumental in the extensive excavation of the Scar of Troithe, a continent located on the planet Troithe. By approximately 5 ABY, Core Nine stood as the sole operational mining site. A surviving contingent of the New Republic's 61st Mobile Infantry aimed to establish a base within the facility to conduct guerilla warfare against the Galactic Empire's 204th Imperial Fighter Wing, whose company had been dispersed. Colonel Soran Keize, the fighter wing's commanding officer, discovered Core Nine while analyzing potential destinations of the remnant forces and directed his troops to seize the facility. Following this, the 61st remnant initiated an attack on the 204th at the site. Ultimately, the fighter wing retreated, escaping on Core Nine's only freighter.
The mining megafacility known as Core Nine was featured in the 2020 novel Shadow Fall, which was authored by Alexander Freed.