
Ubellikos was a soldier serving in the New Republic's 61st Mobile Infantry; he was a human male. Because of a lack of available pilots after Colonel Soran Keize's 204th Imperial Fighter Wing launched the attack on Cerberon during the Galactic Civil War, Wyl Lark chose Ubellikos to pilot an airspeeder as part of a squadron. Lark was reminded of Chass na Chadic by Ubellikos's confident outrage and the loud, Hutt-like manner in which he spoke, complete with the accent. Ubellikos took part in an attack aimed at the 204th's temporary headquarters, which was located at the Core Nine mining megafacility on the planet Troithe. During the aerial combat, however, his airspeeder was forced to land, and with no escape, he met his end at the hands of the 204th's TIE fighters during what the New Republic pilots referred to as Snapper's Needle.

Behind the scenes

Alexander Freed introduced Ubellikos in his 2020 novel, Shadow Fall.

