Wyl Lark, a male human of Polynean descent, served as a politician representing the planet Polyneus in the Galactic Senate of the New Republic. He was also a skilled starfighter pilot who fought for the Rebel Alliance as one of the Hundred and Twenty and subsequently for the New Republic Defense Force during the Galactic Civil War. As a member of Alphabet Squadron, he played a vital role in the hunt leading to the eventual defeat of the infamous 204th Imperial Fighter Wing.
Lark was born on Polyneus, an isolated Inner Rim planet known to its people simply as "Home." He was among the volunteers dispatched from Polyneus to participate in the struggle against the Galactic Empire. He piloted an A-wing starfighter within Riot Squadron until the Battle of Endor when the 204th, infamously known as "Shadow Wing," decimated the squadron in the Oridol Cluster. Subsequently, Caern Adan recruited Lark to join the New Republic Defense Fleet working group with the aim of targeting Shadow Wing, which later became known as Alphabet Squadron.
During Alphabet Squadron's engagements with Shadow Wing at Pandem Nai and Cerberon, Lark served as a pilot. He was subsequently promoted to wing commander of the Deliverance's starfighter wing. Following a close call in a starfighter duel with Soran Keize during Shadow Wing's attack on Chadawa, Lark stepped down from his command.
Despite this, he was instrumental in averting the sabotage and complete destruction of the Deliverance during the Battle of Jakku. Upon his return to Home as a celebrated war veteran, Lark was appointed as the planet's senator within the New Republic Senate.
Born and raised on the planet of Polyneus, Wyl Lark's early life was shaped by the events of the Galactic Civil War. The Galactic Empire constructed a weapons platform within the atmosphere of Polyneus, which motivated him to become one of the Hundred and Twenty Polynean volunteers who departed Polyneus to enlist in the Alliance to Restore the Republic and combat the Empire. Lark joined the Alliance Military as a pilot in Riot Squadron, flying a RZ-1 A-wing interceptor. His natural talent for piloting was honed during his time on Polyneus, where he developed his skills by riding sur-avka, flying creatures. During his flight training, he developed a friendship with his mentor.
Following the Battle of Endor, Riot Squadron was assigned to the frigate Hellion's Dare for a reconnaissance mission. They were relentlessly pursued by the Aerie and elements of Shadow Wing, which forced the Hellion's Dare into the Oridol Cluster. Lark, along with the pilots of Riot Squadron and the A/SF-01 B-wing starfighters of Hound Squadron, defended the ship, but their numbers gradually dwindled. As the New Republic forces attempted to jump to hyperspace to escape the confrontation, Lark found himself surrounded by TIE Fighters, mirroring the fate of many of his comrades. Despite the odds, Lark managed to break free. After jumping to hyperspace, he noticed his cracked canopy and realized his ship was leaking oxygen.
Emerging from hyperspace, Lark lost control of his damaged vessel. Chass na Chadic, a pilot from Hound Squadron, spotted him and fired power-disrupting ion blasts at his ship, enabling the Hellion's Dare to bring him aboard using a tractor beam. Lark expressed his deep gratitude for the rescue and was prepared to offer a Life debt if that was the custom of Chadic's people.
Lark rejoined the reformed Riot Squadron, composed of the survivors from both squadrons, with Rununja still in command. Eventually, Captain Kreskian of the Hellion's Dare tasked the squadron with neutralizing the pursuing Quasar Fire-class cruiser-carrier. Lark participated in the attack that crippled the enemy cruiser-carrier, but upon returning, they discovered that the Hellion's Dare had also sustained heavy damage. The remaining pilots guarded the ship while technicians worked feverishly to make repairs.
While the pilots shared stories to pass the time, Lark initiated an open communication channel in the hope of contacting their pursuers. Despite the ridicule from his fellow pilots, a TIE pilot known as "Blink" responded and shared the mythology surrounding the Oridol Cluster.
Hours later, the 204th launched an attack, resulting in the destruction of the vessel, Riot Squadron, and Hound Squadron. Finding himself among the few survivors, Lark instructed Chadic to retreat, and when she refused, Lark disabled her weaponry to force her to save herself. Chadic was initially furious with Lark, but they both jumped to hyperspace and were eventually rescued by Agent Caern Adan's working group. The pair of pilots were integrated into Alphabet Squadron under Adan, Lieutenant Yrica Quell, and Kairos and Nath Tensent.
During one of Alphabet Squadron's initial practice maneuvers within the Gobreton minefield, Lark's ship sustained significant damage when the squadron inadvertently triggered a mine. When the squadron was relegated to practicing in flight simulators, Lark was disturbed when Quell loaded a simulation of the Battle of Endor, which evoked painful memories of his former squadron. He later discussed his feelings with Tensent at Ranjiy's Krayt Hut. Lark quickly bonded with Tensent, and the two became friends. When the squadron embarked on a mission to retrieve intelligence from the planet Abednedo, Lark and Tensent remained in orbit while the others made contact with a smuggler. When the group attempted to depart with a group of Imperial prisoners, they were ambushed by a squadron of TIE/sa bombers, which destroyed the freighter carrying the prisoners.
Eventually, the squadron received a new assignment, this time being dispatched to a moon orbiting the planet Harkrova for a salvage operation. On their first night at camp, Lark shared stories of his homeworld with his squadron, recounting his departure from Polyneus and his decision to join the Alliance, explaining that he had been preparing to return home before Shadow Wing destroyed his squadron.
The Lodestar's forces were subsequently deployed to the Cerberon system campaign. The conflict persisted for several weeks. During this period, he began a flirtatious relationship with Neihero, the Rodian pilot from Meteor Squadron. At one point during the struggle on Troithe, he and Kairos provided aerial support for Twilight Company, and later, Lark and Tensent destroyed an All Terrain Armored Cargo Transport. The squadron continued to fight as the Governor's forces retreated, and the squadron devised a trap for Shadow Wing.
Later, when Shadow Wing arrived and managed to bypass the trap, Lark was contacted by "Blink," who directed him to return to Troithe with Tensent. They subsequently became trapped on the planet alongside Twilight Company. Lark agreed to assume command of the remaining starfighters and airships, forming a new squadron. He led the forces to Core Nine mining megafacility to secure a new base, coinciding with Shadow Wing's arrival. They engaged in heavy combat and were on the verge of being overwhelmed when New Republic reinforcements arrived in the form of the Temperance and Vanguard Squadron. They pursued Shadow Wing's bulk freighter, and when it launched heavy ordnance, Lark ordered them to shoot them. The Republic forces were able to recapture the planet. A few days later, Lark went to the victory party, before planning on writing back home.
Following the destruction of the Lodestar, Syndulla received a new flagship, a refitted Star Destroyer Deliverance, which became the new headquarters for her starfighters. Lark was promoted to the rank of wing commander in charge of the Deliverance's starfighter wing. The wing consisted of Hail Squadron as well as two new ones, Flare Squadron and Wild Squadron, the last one formed from the remaining pilots of his makeshift squadron on Troithe and would continue to serve as a squadron for misfit pilots and starfighters.
After following Shadow Wing through a couple of skirmishes, Lark led his squadron in the battle to save the Imperial-controlled planet of Chadawa from the second Operation: Cinder orchestrated by the 204th Fighter Wing. He successfully goaded Colonel Soran Keize into fighting him one on one, allowing his bomber squadron under the command of Nath Tensent to attack the Yadeez enough to force them to abandon their attack and saving the planet.
Hearing that he was the last of the Hundred and Twenty not to return to his homeworld, Lark decided to stop fighting and tried and failed to convince the rest of his squadron not to participate at the battle of Jakku. However, he stayed on the Deliverance and helped out during the battle, partially foiling a sabotage attempt by Shadow Wing's Palal Seedia who had snuck onboard. While not saving the ship, his actions allowed an evacuation, including himself. He crashed on Jakku and was found by Nath Tensent together with another TIE pilot.
Lark returned to Polyneus where he ended up as a senator for his homeworld. In 10 ABY, he met with Yrica Quell and Chass na Chadic, who had retired together as partners of a small shipping company.
Lark was renowned for his compassionate and empathetic nature. He also had a habit of conversing with his starfighter, a quirk that Sata Neek, a fellow Riot Squadron pilot, often teased him about. Lark possessed a natural aptitude for flying, and his commanding officer, Yrica Quell, remarked on his unparalleled grace in maneuvering his craft. He frequently recorded holomessages to send back Home. During the attack on Troithe, he deleted one message, unable to send it amongst his conflicted thoughts of the war.

Wyl Lark's first appearance was in Alexander Freed's 2019 novel, Alphabet Squadron. Del Rey initially revealed him on Twitter by releasing images of the Alphabet Squadron roster.