
Polyneus, referred to by its people as Home, existed as a secluded, agrarian world situated within the Inner Rim. Largely disconnected from the broader galactic community, this world was famous for its indigenous sur-avkas, creatures that could fly and were partially domesticated, serving as mounts for the human inhabitants. The Sun-Lamas, the planet's respected and influential elders, wielded significant authority.

During the Galactic Civil War, a group of volunteers from Polyneus became known as the Hundred and Twenty when they joined the fight against the Galactic Empire as pilots. Among this group, Wyl Lark rose to prominence as a member of Alphabet Squadron and later served as the representative for Polyneus in the New Republic Senate.


For a considerable period in galactic history, Polyneus, a planet in the Inner Rim Territories, was regarded as a remote and underdeveloped world. Its population lived harmoniously with nature, constructing their settlements—cities and villages—within jungles, above lakes, and into the imposing mountains and cliffs of Polyneus. Governed by the Hik'e-Matriarch, a leader akin to, but not precisely the same as, a queen, the people of Home depended on the Sun-Lamas, their elders, for daily wisdom and guidance.


Polyneus was mostly spared from the destructive effects of the Clone Wars because it was considered a backwater world. The Galactic Republic saw no strategic value in stationing troops there, and the Confederacy of Independent Systems viewed it as a primitive place inhabited by primitive people. Despite this, the Galactic Empire eventually gained control of the world.

In 7 BBY, the Empire constructed a weapons platform in the lower atmosphere, which began to contaminate the planet's biosphere. The elders of Home attempted to resolve the issue diplomatically, but their efforts to negotiate with the Empire proved futile, and a messenger dispatched to Coruscant disappeared. Consequently, the previously pacifistic Polyneans sought assistance from the Rebel Alliance. The Hik'e-Matriarch committed the most skilled sur-avka riders from each of Home's 120 communities to the Rebellion's cause, forming the group later known as the Hundred and Twenty.

Following the Rebel victory at the Battle of Endor, most of the surviving pilots from the Hundred and Twenty returned to Home, except for Wyl Lark, who continued to serve in the New Republic until the Battle of Jakku. After the Jakku conflict, the Hik'e Matriarch urged Home to abandon its isolationist stance on the galactic stage and appointed Wyl Lark as the senator representing Polyneus.

