Riot Squadron

Riot Squadron was a starfighter squadron that fought for the Rebel Alliance, and later the New Republic, during the Galactic Civil War. Following the Battle of Endor, Riot Squadron was allied with Hound Squadron, but both were ultimately defeated by the 204th Imperial Fighter Wing.


As a component of both the Rebel Alliance Starfighter Corps and subsequently the New Republic Starfighter Corps, Riot Squadron was a dedicated starfighter squadron. Their exclusive use of RZ-1 A-wing interceptors defined their fleet, and they operated from the EF76 Nebulon-B escort frigate known as the Hellion's Dare. Command of the squadron shifted between leaders such as Creel, a male, and later Rununja, a female Duros.


Early campaigns

Around 0 BBY of the year, Riot Squadron participated in the [battles_at_mygeeto] on the planet Mygeeto, alongside the 61st Mobile Infantry. It was here that the squadron acquired its name. Later, during the Galactic Civil War, the squadron fought against pirates at a location called Thumbsnapper's Bridge. The pirates nearly achieved a victory that surpassed even the ambitions of the Galactic Empire.

Battle of Endor

In 4 ABY, Riot Squadron, at full pilot strength, engaged in the Battle of Endor, providing essential fighter cover for the Alliance Fleet during their large-scale offensive against the Galactic Empire's second Death Star. This battle station, still under construction, loomed over the forest moon of Endor. The battle culminated in a significant Alliance victory, marked by the destruction of the incomplete battle station and the deaths of both Emperor Palpatine and Darth Vader. Although the Rebels suffered considerable losses, Riot Squadron mourned the loss of three members. Following the battle, the squadron was granted leave to land on Endor and join in the victory celebrations.

Engagements at Sarapin and Jiruus

Before the attack on the EF76 Nebulon-B escort frigate Hellion's Dare, Riot Squadron participated in a fleet battle over Sarapin. During this battle, Sonogari and Wyl Lark were present, but were held back. Prior to the attack on the Hellion's Dare, Riot Squadron suffered the loss of two pilots, Aries and Nex. Wyl Lark later reflected on their passing. In the weeks that followed the Battle of Endor, Riot Squadron journeyed to the planet Jiruus, where they joined in the widespread celebrations marking the Empire's downfall.

Soon after their arrival, the Hellion's Dare received a warning transmission from a scout, and almost immediately afterwards, Imperial TIE fighters attacked the Hellion's Dare while it was in orbit around Jiruus. Riot and Hound Squadrons quickly mobilized to defend the frigate, eventually managing to escape into hyperspace. In the aftermath of the battle, the squadron upheld a funeral tradition adopted from a former rebel cell, which involved reciting eulogies by candlelight during a self-induced blackout caused by an ion detonation.

Attack on the Hellion's Dare

Not long after the skirmish at Jiruus, the 204th Imperial Fighter Wing of the Galactic Empire launched a sustained wave of attacks against the Hellion's Dare in the Oridol Cluster. These attacks ultimately led to the frigate's destruction and the death of many squadron pilots. The three surviving members of Hound Squadron were temporarily integrated into Riot Squadron during the final stages, resulting in a mixed squadron composed of four A-wings and three B-wings. Wyl Lark and Chass na Chadic were the only survivors who successfully escaped, carrying crucial intelligence data for the New Republic.

Behind the scenes

Riot Squadron's debut was in the 2019 novel Alphabet Squadron, authored by Alexander Freed.

