
Rununja, a female Duros, was known as Riot Leader, which was her callsign within the New Republic's Riot Squadron.


During the time known as the Imperial Era, Rununja became a pilot and joined the Rebel Alliance. She once served under the command of General Jan Dodonna. Eventually, she rose to the position of leader of Riot Squadron. Following the Battle of Endor, Rununja commanded her squadron during the Attack on the Hellion's Dare. To evade the pursuing 204th Imperial Fighter Wing, the Hellion's Dare was escorted into the Oridol Cluster by Riot Squadron and the A/SF-01 B-wing starfighters of Hound Squadron. As the two squadrons suffered increasing losses, Rununja took command of a new Riot Squadron, formed from the surviving members of both original squadrons. This new squadron, led by Rununja, launched an attack on the 204th's Quasar Fire-class cruiser-carrier. While they succeeded in crippling the enemy vessel, they returned to discover their own ship had sustained significant damage. While the Imperials were also making repairs, Rununja and her comrades defended their ship so that repairs could be completed. When the 204th returned to attack, Rununja was killed in action.

Personality and traits

Rununja believed it was important for her squadron to enjoy themselves when they were off duty, and as a leader, she allowed them to play games, share stories, and gamble on Sabacc. She made sure they celebrated their successes and took time to grieve for fallen comrades. According to Chass na Chadic, Rununja was like a cult leader, but without the personal magnetism.

