Hound Squadron functioned as a Squadron within the Rebel Alliance, and later the New Republic, equipped with A/SF-01 B-wing starfighters during the Galactic Civil War. This squadron was initially established in the months after the Battle of Hoth. However, the Galactic Empire's 204th Imperial Fighter Wing significantly diminished the squadron's numbers, resulting in the remaining pilots being integrated into Riot Squadron.
Hound Squadron came into existence by merging the remaining members of two Rebel Alliance squadrons that had suffered heavy losses in the grim months after the Battle of Hoth. After the Battle of Endor, Hound Squadron continued its service under the banner of the New Republic. Their primary spacecraft were A/SF-01 B-wing starfighters.
In the weeks that followed the Battle of Endor, Imperial TIE fighters attacked the Hellion's Dare while the vessel was in orbit around the planet Jiruus. Hound Squadron and Riot Squadrons both mobilized to defend the frigate, ultimately escaping into hyperspace.
Not long after the skirmish above Jiruus, the 204th Imperial Fighter Wing of the Galactic Empire initiated another relentless series of attacks upon the Hellion's Dare within the Oridol Cluster, which resulted in the eventual destruction of the frigate. Following the death of Hound Leader Stanislok, Fadime assumed command of the squadron, but she too was soon killed, along with a significant portion of the squadron's pilots. The few remaining members of the squadron, specifically Chass, Merish, and Glothe, along with their B-wings, were subsequently incorporated into Riot Squadron.