In the weeks that followed the Battle of Endor, Imperial TIE fighters assaulted the Hellion's Dare while it was in orbit around the planet Jiruus. Riot and Hound Squadrons both scrambled to defend the frigate before it jumped to hyperspace.
Following the destruction of the DS-2 Death Star II Mobile Battle Station, numerous systems and planets experienced power outages. The New Republic dispatched several small fleets to investigate whether these were technical malfunctions or potential Imperial invasions. One of these fleets included the Hellion's Dare, stationed on the moon of Jiruus. Jiruus was celebrating the Empire's numerous defeats throughout the Galaxy. The Hellion's Dare was also gathering data using smaller spacecraft and probes. The Empire intercepted a transmission from one of these probes, pinpointing the frigate's location. Subsequently, the Empire decided to dispatch a cruiser task force to annihilate the ship before it could disseminate this data.
As the Imperial fleet emerged from hyperspace, alarms blared throughout the city. Riot Squadron pilots quickly organized and launched to intercept the incoming fighters. The TIE/LN starfighters, instead of engaging the approaching A-wings, focused their attack on the frigate, nearly depleting its shields. As soon as the Republic forces were able, they sent their fleet into hyperspace. However, the 204th Imperial Fighter Wing managed to target one of the A-wing pilots, Riot Eight, disabling her craft. They then used a tractor beam to pull her ship into the Aerie and used her flight logs to estimate the Hellion's Dare's destination.
Driven by a desperate desire to destroy the data aboard the Hellion's Dare, the Empire spent several days following her, employing the same method they had used at Jiruus, ultimately leading to her destruction.