During the time of the Galactic Civil War, Hera Syndulla, a General within the New Republic, gave Alphabet Squadron the assignment of tracking and eliminating Shadow Wing, a dangerous group of TIE fighters. The Deliverance, leading the Barma Battle Group, engaged Shadow Wing in several battles and maintained its ability to locate the Imperial Fleet because Yrica Quell installed a device that transmitted signals.
Following the devastating events of the Cerberon system campaign, Soran Keize reached out to Grand Admiral Rae Sloane and formally declared his loyalty to her and what remained of the Empire. Sloane's initial task for Shadow Wing involved destroying Imperial factions that were not loyal. The Yomo Council became a target after they refused to send their forces to the D'Aelgoth sector and failed to acknowledge the Regent on Coruscant. As part of Operation: Cinder, Dybbron III, Kortatka, and Fedovoi End faced destruction. Shadow Wing gained numerous new members from these planets, as many offered to surrender before their worlds were destroyed. After Soran's speech transmission was intercepted at Fedovoi End, Hera's Fleet began their pursuit.

One battle between the two forces occurred at Fedovoi End. Kieze had foreseen the arrival of the New Republic at Fedovoi End and had positioned sabotage droids there to cause delays. Almost immediately after the Deliverance emerged from hyperspace, its hull suffered breaches caused by the droids. Nath Tensent narrowly escaped a room before the blast door sealed shut, as he had to push Stornvein under the closing door. He then met with Wyl Lark to discuss a strategy for eliminating the droids. Meanwhile, the bridge was in chaos as General Hera Syndulla coordinated with other officers. Commander Nisteen Arvad was missing, leaving the targeting crew without an officer because their other captain had been injured in a maintenance shaft. Hera instructed Stornvein to assume command, but her comlink failed shortly after. Suddenly, Hera encountered Kairos, who had sustained injuries while destroying three sabotage droids. Kairos declined medical assistance from Hera but reluctantly accepted supplies to treat herself.
In the meantime, Wyl, Nath, and T5 spent nearly an hour navigating to the breach controls. Upon arrival, they discovered a lack of breath masks for use in the breached area. Wyl and T5 managed to hold on within the room when the door opened, but Nath was knocked to the ground before he could get under the door. Wyl reopened the door and barely managed to pull Nath back before he was ejected into the vacuum of space. Both suffered severe injuries and exhaustion as a result, but they succeeded in their mission to activate the breach field override. Most of the droids were flushed from compartments, and security teams moved to eliminate the remaining ones. The droids caused the deaths of several dozen crew members, either through suffocation or direct attacks, and many more sustained injuries.
Soran Kieze contacted Grand Moff [Randd], who instructed him to proceed to the Chadawa system to eliminate the rogue Imperials stationed there. Shadow Wing began preparations several days in advance, and during a training exercise, they were intercepted by the Barma Battle Group. The Imperials were caught entirely by surprise, but most of their fighters were already deployed. The Imperials fired a few shots at the Deliverance, which had no effect other than bouncing off its shields, and managed to retreat before the New Republic starfighters could arrive.
The Deliverance spent almost a full day searching through the nearby systems, until it located the Yadeez in the Red Yars system via a comm burst. Chass na Chadic and Boyvech Toons were the only pilots to fire shots, but they were out of range. Shadow Wing jumped to hyperspace and escaped once again.
The Third encounter with the Yadeez marked the first engagement with fatalities. The Deliverance miraculously located Shadow Wing within a few hours and successfully used a tractor beam to capture the freighter. The plan was for the fighters to defend the tractor beam equipment. Despite not damaging the equipment with their weapons, one of the TIE fighters crashed into the projector, resulting in the deaths of three crew members and enabling Shadow Wing to escape.
The Fourth encounter with the Yadeez closely resembled the third. The Republic managed to push the Imperials toward a planetoid in an uncharted system. The battle lasted only six minutes, resulting in the destruction of two TIE fighters and a minor injury to Genni Avremif: his ejector seat activated in the hangar as he was landing. Compared to the underwhelming outcomes of previous engagements, this battle was regarded as a victory by the pilots of the New Republic.
The Battle in the Ghonoath System nearly didn't occur, but Yrica Quell chose to send out another comm burst in the Ghonoath system, drawing Hera's fleet. Soran and Quell led the defense, coordinating bombers to deploy proton mines within the planet's intense storms. These mines destroyed two X-wings, prompting the New Republic to retaliate by shooting down Garl Lykan, one of the flight commanders. Shadow Wing held a funeral for him, and Nord Kandende was promoted to take his place.
The subsequent clash between the two forces, the Skirmish in the G'Tep'Noi system, transpired after hours of speculation and calculations by the Deliverance. The G'Tep'Noi system was filled with particles, making flight extremely challenging. Nevertheless, all New Republic fighters were launched. Wyl knew that if the Deliverance caught up to the Yadeez, it would be over. The challenge was catching the bulky freighter. Two TIE fighters swept in from either side, but instead of targeting the fighters, they fired on the asteroids, disrupting their formation. Wyl advanced to fire a concussion missile, but Quell's comm message, which shocked the entire fleet, stopped him. The missile missed the freighter's engines, and Shadow Wing escaped once more.

One of the largest engagements in the pursuit, the Battle at Chadawa was triggered by Governor [Bordanivaux]'s(/article/bordanivaux) decision to separate Chadawa from Sloane's main Imperial force. Soran Kieze contacted Colonel Madrighast about rendezvousing with Sloane, but he stated that his unit would be defending Chadawa from the 204th. Chadawa was an unusual planet, not formed naturally like most planets, but constructed by an ancient species billions of years ago. At "high tide," the planet's rings emitted massive amounts of radiation, making combat impossible. Even at low tide, navigation and scanning were difficult. Chadawa had six ships defending it, the largest being the Star Destroyer Unyielding, which was positioned inside the planet's rings. Soon, fighters on all sides began to fall. However, Shadow Wing managed to push inside the rings. The New Republic was unable to enter before the rings discharged.
Shadow Wing was inside and began probing Madrighast's defenses. The New Republic would rotate one of its three squadrons to attack the Yadeez while the other two patrolled the system. Two of the Raider-class corvettes began deploying satellites to absorb radiation, then drop onto the planet. Meanwhile, Nath Tensent, Wyl Lark, and others started broadcasting personal stories on open channels to disrupt the TIE pilots. After many hours of preparation, the New Republic launched its attack with Hail Squadron, Flare Squadron, and Wild Squadron. The A-wings and X-wings engaged first but suffered heavy losses. As the Y-Wings of Hail Squadron approached, Syndulla called off the attack due to the particle count and incoming TIE fighters. Meanwhile, Commander Broosh and Colonel Kieze were discussing their plans. Broosh suggested a possible attack on the Star Destroyer, but Kieze knew that time was the only thing needed for the planet to fall. Suddenly, Lark challenged Kieze to a personal duel in the atmosphere. Kieze accepted. As they dueled, Tensent led another attack by Hail Squadron onto one of the Raiders. However, TIE fighters intercepted them and began decimating the Y-Wings. Two proton torpedoes struck the Raider, and only five of the Y-Wings escaped. The Y-Wings made an attack on the other Raider, but the Chadawan Imperial Star Destroyer arrived and began decimating both Shadow Wing and Hail Squadron. Kieze received a message that Quell had returned, as well as information about the situation with the Raiders, and decided to end the duel. Wyl was shot down over one of Chadawa's moons.
Both Destroyers began to move towards the freighter, but Kieze was starting to retreat as Quell's ship returned. The Deliverance was trapped between the Chadawans and the Yadeez. Both destroyers began firing on each other. They circled each other until the Unyielding's shields failed and its hull was torn apart. Madrighast let out a final ramming cry, but full power on weapons tore through the ship and killed the entire crew. The Yadeez and its escorts retreated from the system.