Boyvech Toons

Boyvech Toons, a seasoned pilot, served with distinction in the New Republic's Hail Squadron during the Galactic Civil War. A veteran marked by countless battles, Toons and his Y-wing squadron played a supporting role for Alphabet Squadron in their hunt targeting the 204th Imperial Fighter Wing, an operation encompassing both the attack on Pandem Nai and the subsequent Cerberon system campaign. In 5 ABY, when the New Republic forces under General Hera Syndulla caught up with the 204th in the Red Yars system, Toons, along with Chass na Chadic, managed to fire at the fleeing enemy, although both were beyond effective range when the 204th initiated their jump to lightspeed. Later on, Toons participated in the battle above the planet Chadawa, where he and his fellow bomber pilots undertook a stealthy mission to eliminate two Raider-class corvettes, preventing the 204th from destroying the planet, a mission that ultimately proved successful. Despite the victory, Toons emerged as the highest-ranking survivor among only four Hail Squadron pilots who lived through the engagement. Subsequently, Toons and his surviving comrades attended a meeting, held just before the Battle of Jakku, where their wing commander, Wyl Lark, announced his choice for the unit to abstain from the impending conflict.


Pandem Nai

During the period of the Galactic Civil War, Boyvech Toons was a pilot fighting for the New Republic. He piloted a BTL-A4 Y-wing assault starfighter/bomber as part of Hail Squadron, which itself was one of the squadrons assigned to a battle group commanded by General Hera Syndulla. Hail Squadron was one of four squadrons stationed on Syndulla's flagship, the Acclamator-class transgalactic military assault ship Lodestar; the other three were Meteor Squadron, Vanguard Squadron, and Alphabet Squadron. A few weeks following the Battle of Endor in 4 ABY, Hail Squadron, including Toons, participated in an attack aimed at the Galactic Empire's 204th Imperial Fighter Wing located at the tibanna gas mining planet Pandem Nai.

During this offensive, Hail Squadron, alongside Meteor Squadron, Vanguard Squadron, the Lodestar, and its escort ships, assisted in establishing a blockade behind a minefield that protected the inner Pandem Nai system, while Alphabet Squadron directly attacked the 204th's base of operations on Pandem Nai. As the planet's gas clouds ignited, posing a threat to the planet's civilization, Syndulla gave the order for the blockade to break through the minefield to help prevent the spreading firestorm. While the firestorm was eventually contained, the resulting confusion allowed a significant portion of the 204th to escape.

Around 5 ABY, Syndulla's battle group invaded the Cerberon system situated in the Deep Core. Toons and Hail Squadron were involved in this campaign, notably participating in an assault on the planet's [capital](/article/capital] city of Troithe, which resulted in the death of the Imperial Governor Hastemoor.

Chasing the 204th

In 5 ABY, Syndulla's battle group, which now included the refitted New Republic Star Destroyer Deliverance as its flagship, journeyed to the Croynar sector based on intelligence suggesting the 204th's presence in that sector. As part of the Deliverance's starfighter wing, alongside the New Republic's Flare Squadron and Wild Squadron, Hail Squadron went to the planet Midgor and discovered that the Imperial fighter wing had attacked the freighter Diamond Tor and its escorts. Later, the Deliverance and its wing located the 204th in the Ciaox Verith system by tracking a burst of communications signal, but the Imperial forces managed to escape.

Another communication burst led the Deliverance and its wing to the 204th, this time in the Red Yars system. Toons and the other New Republic fighters emerged from hyperspace in a state of readiness, yet only he and Chass na Chadic, piloting an A/SF-01 B-wing starfighter, were able to fire upon the enemy fighter wing before it escaped, though both were too far away to hit. The New Republic forces continued their pursuit of the 204th through various systems, with Hail Squadron participating in the ensuing skirmishes. This pursuit eventually led them to the ancient, artificial ocean world of Chadawa, where the Imperial fighter wing found itself trapped beneath the world's mechanical orbital rings, which channeled particle tides of radiation.

Hail Squadron and the rest of the Deliverance's wing engaged the 204th in skirmishes whenever the particle tides created openings for starfighters to pass through. Syndulla and her team soon discovered that the 204th's Raider-class corvettes were sabotaging satellites to accumulate high levels of radiation before crashing them onto the surface of Chadawa. In response, a plan was devised to prevent the planet's destruction, involving Hail Squadron, led by Captain Nath Tensent of Alphabet Squadron, launching an attack on the Raiders. The pilots of the Deliverance's wing prepared for deployment and rushed to their fighters. As they headed to their ships, Starfighter Commander Wyl Lark approached Toons and assured him that there would not be another Alderaan, referencing the planet destroyed by the Empire.

Behind the scenes

Boyvech Toons made an appearance in the 2021 novel titled Victory's Price: An Alphabet Squadron Novel, penned by Alexander Freed.

