Stornvein, a male being, functioned as an aide to General Hera Syndulla within the New Republic. In 4 ABY, a few weeks following the Battle of Endor, he presented a report to Syndulla while they were aboard the Lodestar, an Acclamator-class transgalactic military assault ship. He also alerted the general to the arrival of Caern Adan, an operative from New Republic Intelligence, for their scheduled meeting. Later, Stornvein transmitted messages to Syndulla after she had attended a briefing with the Alphabet Squadron of the New Republic.
In approximately 5 ABY, Stornvein provided assistance to Syndulla in the tactical center of the Lodestar during the invasion of the capital district on the planet Troithe, within the Cerberon system. Soon after this event, the two traveled to the Bormea sector with the purpose of aiding the Vanguard Squadron of the New Republic in their designated special assignment. However, they subsequently returned to their own battle group in the Cerberon system aboard the MC75 Star Cruiser Temperance to assist in the fight against forces belonging to the Galactic Empire. During this conflict, Stornvein and Syndulla engaged in a discussion about the possibility of targeting enemy forces with their weaponry.
During the war against the Galactic Empire, Stornvein was an aide for General Hera Syndulla in the New Republic's Barma Battle Group. He served aboard the Acclamator-class transgalactic military assault ship Lodestar, her flagship. In 4 ABY, some weeks after the Battle of Endor, he gave Syndulla an intelligence report, which made her laugh. When Stornvein asked if something was wrong, Syndulla said that if he ever felt frustrated, he should remember how small victories were seen as great successes during the time of the Rebel Alliance, the New Republic's predecessor. Stornvein said he would because perspective was valuable, then bowed and left her office.
He came back soon after, sticking his head around the door to apologize and tell the general that Caern Adan, the agent from New Republic Intelligence who was her next appointment, had arrived early. Syndulla told Stornvein to let the agent in, but to call security if he hadn't left after thirty minutes. The general let Adan and his working group, Alphabet Squadron, use the Lodestar as a base of operations for their hunt for the 204th Imperial Fighter Wing of the Empire. After a briefing with Alphabet Squadron about a planned attack on the 204th at the Pandem Nai system, Syndulla got messages from Stornvein before going to the Krayt Hut bar on the Lodestar to have drinks with squadron members.
Around 5 ABY, Syndulla's battle group fought Imperial forces in the Cerberon system, trying to trick the 204th into helping the local Imperial forces as part of a trap. During the campaign, the battle group attacked the capital district of the planet Troithe, and Stornvein and Syndulla watched the fighting from the Lodestar's tactical center. Stornvein said that the Acclamator, which was hovering over Troithe, was in position but couldn't go any lower and could only shoot down TIE fighter series starfighters that got close.
Syndulla asked about a video feed from the ground, which Stornvein put on a screen, but first he mentioned that jamming activity might make the broadcast worse. The general looked at the battle's progress and wondered why many enemy dots on a tactical map were moving back. Stornvein, who was with a comm officer, said that Hastemoor, Troithe's Governor, had ordered a retreat to the capital's Tri-Central Complex. Syndulla questioned the governor's decision, and her aide added that the complex's Imperial secured throughways might make it easy to regroup there.
Syndulla and Stornvein went to the Bormea sector to help the Vanguard Squadron of the New Republic, which was on a mission to improve the New Republic Defense Fleet starship supply. They saw worlds destroyed and comrades die when the Empire's Titan Squadron attacked and chased Syndulla's forces until their new prototype Starhark-class battleship, the Starhawk, was destroyed. Then they returned to the Cerberon system with Vanguard Squadron and its flagship, the MC75 Star Cruiser Temperance.
The trap for the 204th ended with the loss of the Lodestar and other assets of Syndulla's battle group that were left at Cerberon. The Temperance arrived above the planet Troithe as the battle group's reduced forces battled the 204th. As Syndulla considered having the Temperance fire on enemy forces, Stornvein asked if she was sure, worried about hitting their own forces. Syndulla replied with her plan to use spread-out, low-power turbolaser fire to scatter the 204th's TIE fighters. Stornvein was afraid the entire fighter wing would attack the Temperance and Vanguard Squadron, but the general said they would deal with one problem at a time.
Stornvein, a male, was Hera Syndulla's preferred aide. He once questioned her when he thought something was bothering her. After Syndulla wanted the Temperance to fire on the Empire's ground forces, the aide was worried about hitting friendly forces or making the 204th attack the MC75 Cruiser.
Stornvein first showed up in the 2019 novel Alphabet Squadron, written by Alexander Freed.