The Temperance, an MC75 Star Cruiser, provided service to both the Alliance Fleet and its successor, the New Republic Defense Fleet. During its time, it functioned as the flagship for Vanguard Squadron.
Serving the Alliance Fleet and later the New Republic Defense Fleet, the Temperance was an MC75 Star Cruiser that acted as the flagship for Vanguard Squadron. This warship was equipped with engines, armaments, and a hangar bay for launching starfighters. Dozens of crew members could be accommodated at their stations on its bridge.
On Mon Cala, this cruiser was constructed alongside its sister ship, the Accordance. During the Battle of Endor, an Imperial armada mounted a surprise attack against the Core Worlds, engaging the Alliance Fleet at the edge of the Hosnian system. Consequently, both the Temperance and the Accordance defended the system's borders. The Accordance was destroyed during the conflict, compelling its surviving crew to seek refuge on the Temperance.
Near the conclusion of the Battle of Endor, the Temperance became the base of operations for Vanguard Squadron, a New Republic starfighter squadron that played a crucial role in capturing a Star Destroyer for Project Starhawk. At this point in time, Lindon Javes, a defector from the Imperial forces, was in command of the Temperance.
During the Trothe operation, General Hera Syndulla briefly assumed command of the Temperance; the captain deferred to her authority. After receiving a communication from Alphabet Squadron pilot Chass na Chadic, they arrived at the battle and infiltrated the planet's defenses to deploy Vanguard Squadron. There, it executed an orbital bombardment of the Scar of Troithe to create a path for New Republic ground forces, despite the potential risk to friendly troops. The ship arrived at a critical moment during the engagement to rescue Wyl Lark's squadron from Shadow Wing and to offer assistance to the 61st Mobile Infantry troopers as they attempted to breach the Core Nine mining megafacility. Although the New Republic was unable to prevent Shadow Wing from escaping aboard the bulk freighter Yadeez, they succeeded in retaking control of the planet.
The 2020 novel, Shadow Fall, by Alexander Freed marked the first appearance of the Temperance. It was initially described as an EF76 Nebulon-B escort frigate, which contrasted with its depiction as an MC75 Star Cruiser in the video game Star Wars: Squadrons, which was released in the same year. Matt Martin, an executive with Lucasfilm Story Group, clarified that the novel contained an error and affirmed that the Temperance was indeed an MC75, a correction that would be implemented in subsequent editions of the novel.