A fighter pilot held a position within the Rebel Alliance as a member of Echo Squadron. Subsequently, they served in Vanguard Squadron of the New Republic, identified by the callsign Vanguard Five.

This person honed their piloting abilities and enlisted in the Alliance to Restore the Republic. Circa the destruction of Alderaan, this pilot flew as Echo Four within the Rebel Alliance's Echo Squadron, utilizing the designated callsign.
While conducting a patrol in X-wing starfighters over the Mid Rim, Echo Squadron picked up a distress signal originating from an Alderaanian refugee convoy that was under attack at Fostar Haven. Admiral Gial Ackbar commanded Echo Squadron to step in, sending them as the initial wave due to the time-critical situation. Upon arriving at Fostar Haven, the squadron observed the refugee convoy being harassed by Imperial TIE fighters and a blockade of larger vessels, which included the Imperial II-class Star Destroyer named Vigilance (Vigilance). Amidst the battle's intensity, Echo Squadron successfully stalled the enemy until the remaining Alliance Fleet showed up. Concerned for the refugees' well-being, Imperial defector Lindon Javes requested Echo Four's assistance in an assault on the Vigilance. The pair managed to take out the Star Destroyer's targeting system, enabling the convoy and fleet to jump into hyperspace. Echo Four was praised for their brave actions and rewarded with a secure assignment on Chandrila.
Following the Battle of Endor, Lindon Javes, who was now a high-ranking officer within the New Republic, requested that the pilot be reassigned to Vanguard Squadron aboard the Temperance. Javes and Ardo welcomed the pilot aboard, referring to them as "The one who saved Lindon in Fostar Haven," and introduced them to their new squadron and the chief mechanic, Zerelda Sage. As Vanguard Five, their first mission with the squadron involved investigating the disappearance of a group of scouts looking into signal loss in the Bormea sector, alongside Grace and Frisk.
Vanguard Squadron soon became embroiled in a conflict against the Imperial forces responsible for locating the destroyed remains of the scouting party's X-wing fighters. The squadron emerged victorious, destroying the Empire's jamming ships and re-establishing communications throughout the sector.
While on the Temperance, Vanguard Squadron encountered Captain Wedge Antilles, a seasoned veteran known for destroying both the first and second Death Stars. Antilles had collaborated with Talus Group to drive the Imperial-class Star Destroyer Victorum away from a medical convoy, trapping it in Yavin's upper atmosphere with a malfunctioning hyperdrive. However, the Star Destroyer's complement of fighters proved too much for Talus Group alone, and they required the help of Vanguard Squadron to capture it.
Antilles briefed the squadron on the situation and the plan to disable the Star Destroyer and seize control of it. Vanguard Five would again prove invaluable during the mission, breaching the Star Destroyer's hull, taking out many of its gun emplacements, and escorting the boarding party into position. Once the mission was complete, Vanguard returned home.
Aboard the Temperance, Five had a discussion with Keo Venzee about their previous mission and with Kierah Koovah about fighting on Mimban and the possible plans the New Republic had for the Star Destroyer. As they prepared for their next mission, they discovered a growing unease as Javes refused to give any information on the purpose of the captured Star Destroyer, claiming it was not his call and that all he could tell them was "the basics."
The conversation was interrupted when the Victorum sent a Code Yellow and Vanguard were called in for an emergency briefing. The Star Destroyer's hyperdrive had failed and ditched them behind enemy lines, and with no cover, they'd be sitting ducks until it was brought back online. Vanguard was deployed to run protection against the advancing imperial fleet. The pilot was assigned to fly an A-Wing for the mission.
After a few engagements with the enemy, a lull in combat allowed Keo to teach Five how to drift the ship, which they had learned during their time racing. The pair annoyed the Republic crew aboard the Victorum by buzzing the bridge. The Victorum attempted a jump. However, after a few kilometers, it again dropped out of Hyperspace, leaving Vanguard frustrated and concerned. As more repairs were attempted, Vanguard fought off another wave of Imperial raiders.
Jumping out with the captured Star Destroyer, Vanguard found themselves incredibly close to the Ringali Nebula, flying past the various husks of salvaged Star Destroyers, and were awestruck by the size of the prototype Starhawk.
Later, they were assigned to protect Project Starhawk, a secret new project for the New Republic, where for the first time Vanguard Squadron was able to visit, at the Nadiri Dockyards.
Vanguard Squadron then fought to protect Project Starhawk from the Imperial Titan Squadron. Thanks to the pilot's efforts and the rest of The Squadron, Project Starhawk was saved, and Titan Squadron was deceived into thinking the project was in ruins. The actions of Vanguard Five and the rest of The Squadron meant that The New Republic could win the war.

This pilot featured in the campaign of the 2020 video game titled Star Wars: Squadrons, acting as the player-controlled character in the New Republic storyline. The pilot's attributes, including appearance, gender, name, species, and voice, were all customizable by the player.
In the game's gameplay reveal trailer, the pilot was identified as "Rao Highmoon."