During the Galactic Civil War, specifically in 5 ABY, the Star Destroyer Deliverance, commanded by General Hera Syndulla, carrying New Republic forces, came under attack. The attackers were Imperial sabotage droids, deployed to impede the New Republic's pursuit of the 204th Imperial Fighter Wing.
The 204th Imperial Fighter Wing had previously committed atrocities on several worlds, including Dybbron III, Kortatka, and Fedovoi End. At Fedovoi End, the New Republic intercepted a transmission from Soran Keize in which he demanded the planet's surrender. In response, the New Republic dispatched the Deliverance to give chase.

Keize had foreseen the New Republic's arrival at Fedovoi End and, accordingly, had positioned sabotage droids there to create a delay. Almost immediately upon the Deliverance's emergence from hyperspace, the droids breached its hull. Nath Tensent narrowly escaped a room before the blast door sealed shut, having had to shove Stornvein under the closing door. He then met up with Wyl Lark to devise a strategy for eliminating the droids. Simultaneously, a state of panic gripped the bridge as Hera coordinated with her officers. Commander Nisteen Arvad's disappearance left the targeting crew without leadership, as their other captain had suffered an injury in a maintenance shaft. Hera then commanded Stornvein to assume command, but her comlink failed shortly thereafter. Suddenly, Hera encountered Kairos, who had sustained injuries while destroying three sabotage droids. Kairos refused Hera's offer of medical assistance, but reluctantly accepted the supplies to treat herself.
In the meantime, Wyl, Nath, and T5 spent almost an hour making their way to the breach controls. Upon arrival, they discovered a lack of available masks in the room. When the door opened, Wyl and T5 managed to secure themselves inside, but Nath was knocked to the floor before he could get under the door. Wyl reopened the door, barely managing to rescue Nath before he was lost to the vacuum of space. Both suffered severe injuries and exhaustion from the event, but they succeeded in their mission of activating the breach field override. The majority of the droids were expelled from the compartments, and security teams proceeded to eliminate the remaining ones. Dozens of crew members perished from suffocation or droid attacks, and many more sustained injuries.