
During the Galactic Civil War, a female individual named Vitale held the sergeant rank within the New Republic's 61st Mobile Infantry. In approximately 5 ABY, the company engaged in combat against the Galactic Empire amidst the urban areas of the planet Troithe. Vitale collaborated with the pilots of the New Republic's Alphabet Squadron; on one occasion, they scouted locations for the 61st soldiers. One night, the sergeant shared a meal with Alphabet Squadron and later engaged in a discussion about the deceased Emperor Palpatine.

Following the 204th Imperial Fighter Wing's—also known as Shadow Wing—devastating attack on New Republic forces in the Cerberon system, which forced the 61st to retreat from Troithe, Vitale met up with other New Republic personnel in the Highgarden District. Wyl Lark, an Alphabet Squadron pilot, selected her to fly for his improvised squadron, promising her a restored V-wing.

The surviving members of the 61st left the Highgarden district, traveling through a subterranean tunnel system. Meanwhile, Vitale engaged in a game of Who? What? Where? with her new squadron until a Shadow Wing pilot discovered their location. The TIE fighter pilot's squadron soon followed, and Vitale expressed doubt about Lark's plan to separate with another member of his squadron, who ultimately met their death.

The remaining forces concealed themselves within a heavily mined region on Troithe, setting their sights on the nearby Core Nine mining megafacility. When Shadow Wing's forces began moving towards the mining facility, Vitale's squadron, supported by the 61st's ground troops, launched an assault on Core Nine. Vitale's squadron battled the fighter wing's TIE/ln space superiority starfighters, and Shadow Wing eventually retreated aboard a bulk freighter upon the arrival of New Republic reinforcements led by General Hera Syndulla. Vitale celebrated in the days following the battle.


Deployment on Troithe

At one point in her life, Vitale patrolled the skies for a local security force. She also had a nephew residing on the planet Corellia. During the Galactic Civil War, Vitale enlisted in the 61st Mobile Infantry—a company that served under the Rebel Alliance, which later became the New Republic—and attained the military position of sergeant.

Around 5 ABY, the 61st was stationed on the Lodestar, an Acclamator-class transgalactic military assault ship that served as the flagship for General Hera Syndulla's Barma Battle Group. The battle group engaged the Galactic Empire's forces in the Cerberon system located in the Deep Core, where the 61st fought in the urban districts of the planet Troithe. One day, while at the 61st's camp on the Lodestar with a dozen others, the New Republic pilots Nath Tensent, Wyl Lark, and Kairos from the New Republic's Alphabet Squadron passed by. Sergeant Carver greeted them, and Tensent and Lark remained to converse with the soldiers, with Tensent making an effort to learn Vitale's name and those of other troops.

Scouting mission

Several days later, Vitale worked with Alphabet Squadron on a reconnaissance mission. Alphabet's UT-60D U-wing starfighter/support craftpiloted by Kairos with Chass na Chadic, the Theelin A/SF-01 B-wing starfighter pilot, aboard—scanned the enemy territory several kilometers ahead of the 61st soldiers. Vitale overheard Chadic cursing over the comm and inquired about any issues, but Tensent replied that the B-wing pilot was simply in a foul mood. When Alphabet Leader, Lieutenant Yrica Quell, asked Vitale's team if they had enough images, the sergeant suggested another pass over a tram line would be beneficial.

After the tram line pass was completed, Chadic and Quell continued to banter, and Vitale interrupted, asking if they were done flirting. Chadic told the sergeant to be grateful that Alphabet Squadron was scouting ahead, ensuring the 61st troops wouldn't be killed. Vitale then questioned why the infantry was rushing into Troithe's capital, the Troithe Planetary Defense Center, instead of trying to starve out the Imperial governor's forces. Quell dismissed the speculation for another time.

Meal discussions

The march towards the TPDC began, with the 61st and the battle group's squadrons—Alphabet, Meteor, and Hail Squadron—securing several sectors within two weeks. One evening, Vitale went to a refugee camp near the Lodestar in search of Lark. The RZ-1 A-wing interceptor pilot, who was eating with Tensent, Quell, and Chadic, excused himself to join the sergeant. Soon after, the pair returned to the other three Alphabet pilots with half a dozen other 61st soldiers.

Tensent distributed Imperial rations to the newcomers, and the group shared stories. The discussions shifted towards the late Galactic Emperor Palpatine, who had died at the Battle of Endor approximately six months prior. A Mon Calamari soldier expressed his desire for the Emperor to have survived and faced a trial. Vitale, raising her wine glass and spitting on the ground, argued that if Palpatine were tried first, everyone tried after would argue that they weren't as bad as the Emperor.

On the run

Regrouping and consolidating

As the campaign in the Cerberon system progressed, the Empire's 204th Imperial Fighter Wing, also known as Shadow Wing, was drawn to the system as part of a trap set by the battle group. However, the fighter wing managed to devastate the New Republic forces, destroying the Lodestar. Shadow Wing's TIE/ln space superiority starfighters then forced the 61st's troops to retreat from their positions. Vitale and two dozen other New Republic personnel gathered at a three-story speeder garage in the Highgarden District. As they listened to a nearby riot, Carver silenced another soldier who suggested intervening, stating that the fighting would be over by the next morning. As the others laughed, Vitale added that they must wait until daylight.

With half of the 61st, including Captain Hazram Namir, stranded off-world, Carver took command of the 61st forces at the garage, which soon numbered almost fifty, along with twenty local insurgents. Lark and Tensent, who had joined the group, were allowed to form a makeshift squadron, led by Tensent. While Tensent traveled to a district called the Web to secure aircraft, the 61st moved to the edge of Highgarden, and Lark selected troops for his new squadron. Vitale was chosen due to her previous experience flying for a local security force.

Caravan escort

The 61st remnant acquired four Humble HoverCat airspeeders and an Alpha-3 Nimbus-class V-wing starfighter, which Lark promised to Vitale. The aircraft were refurbished by 61st engineers as the remnant entered a network of tunnels aboard a caravan of repulsorcraft. While the caravan traveled through the tunnel, members of the squadron took turns on sensor duty. During the journey, the pilots conversed, and Gorgeous Su suggested playing Who? What? Where?, where participants detailed who first learned of their death, how, and where it occurred.

Vitale argued with the other pilots about who would go first, with Tensent nominated. The sergeant was displeased with what the BTL-A4 Y-wing assault starfighter/bomber pilot wanted to kill him with. Vitale went next, stating that her nephew would be the first to hear of her death, Imperial Vizier Mas Amedda's guards would be her killers, and the planet Coruscant would be the location. After Su said she would die crashing her Humble HoverCat into Shadow Wing's command ship, Vitale claimed that Alphabet Squadron had dibs on eliminating the fighter wing, although Lark replied that his squadron could share it. Ubellikos disapproved, and the sergeant laughed.

TIE fighter attacks

The game of Who? What? Where? continued until a Shadow Wing pilot encountered the caravan. Vitale announced the presence of the TIE, which passed the remnant under fire from the 61st soldiers. Lark pursued the Imperial pilot, who attempted to collapse the tunnel ceiling onto his A-wing but was killed in the process. Despite Shadow Wing discovering the caravan, Carver ordered it to continue moving.

Reinforcements arrived in the form of a squadron of TIEs. As Carver ordered weapons to be drawn, Vitale informed Lark, who wanted to join Su in drawing the TIEs away. Vitale argued against the idea, worried that Lark and Su would not find the caravan again if they split off, but Lark decided to proceed. Ultimately, Carver detonated a repulsorcraft at a tunnel entrance to block the way behind the caravan. Su was killed in the fighting.

Siege of Core Nine

The 61st remnant reached the Scar of Troithe, a mined-out region on Troithe, where they hid in a ravine. Carver held a meeting with senior personnel, deciding that their next target would be the nearby Core Nine mining megafacility, which Shadow Wing had seized. Meanwhile, Vitale spent time with her squadron, reviewing Lark's combat courses and socializing with other 61st soldiers. Lark eventually told the improvised pilots to rest before the attack on Core Nine. When Shadow Wing's forces began diverting to Core Nine, the remnant received word from friendly forces in Troithe's city districts and prepared to attack the mining facility.

Vitale led a team to find Lark and Tensent when they didn't respond over their comlinks. The soldiers, riding a skimmer, found the pair, and the sergeant informed them of the situation and Carver's plan. As the remnant, backed by Lark's squadron, approached Core Nine, Lark had Vitale and the rest of the squadron report in. A TIE squadron appeared but was scattered by laser cannon fire from Vitale and the others. Lark's squadron continued to engage the larger number of TIEs, while ground forces attacked Core Nine below.

As the fighting progressed, Lark gave recommendations to Vitale, Ubellikos, and the insectoid pilot Prinspai. The latter two were killed shortly after, but Syndulla, aboard the MC75 Star Cruiser Temperance, arrived with the New Republic's Vanguard Squadron. Shadow Wing began to flee aboard a bulk freighter. When Lark asked if all of the fighter wing had boarded the freighter, Vitale answered negatively. The New Republic forces pursued Shadow Wing, some being distracted when the freighter launched missiles at Troithe's city districts. The fighter wing ultimately escaped the system.


Some days after the battle, Vitale mourned Ubellikos, Prinspai, and Su with Lark and Denish Wraive, the only other remaining pilot from Lark's squadron besides Tensent. The following day, 61st soldiers and other personnel from Syndulla's battle group celebrated in the Raddakkia Plaza on Troithe. Vitale socialized with Tensent, Lark, and Wraive. The sergeant also wagered with Wraive, Lark, and Sergeant Twitch on when the riots in the Old Skybottom District would end.

Service in Wild Squadron

That year, Vitale joined Wraive, Lark, and his Alphabet Squadron comrades in their own squadron named Wild Squadron. Her callsign was Wild Two.

Personality and traits

Vitale, a female with dark skin, inquired about problems after hearing Chass na Chadic curse. She was dissatisfied with the scouting images provided by Chadic and questioned the tactics of invading the TPDC, believing that starving the governor's forces was a better option. The sergeant got along with Wyl Lark and searched for him one evening. Later, when a Mon Calamari wished for Palpatine to have survived to be tried, Vitale argued that it would only allow those tried after to claim they were better than the Emperor.

After Carver said a nearby riot would be over by morning, Vitale agreed they must wait until daylight. She didn't think Nath Tensent's choice for what he wanted to kill him was specific enough and chose her ideal death to be on Coruscant, insisting that the 61st would be going there next. The sergeant told Gorgeous Su that Alphabet Squadron had dibs on defeating Shadow Wing when the pilot wished to die crashing into the fighter wing's command ship. When Lark chose to split off from the caravan with Su to draw away a TIE squadron, Vitale argued against the plan, thinking they wouldn't find the caravan again.

After Su's death, Vitale spent evenings with her new squadron members, socializing with other 61st troops. She led a team to find Lark and Tensent when they didn't answer their comlinks upon the remnant's preparation to deploy to Core Nine. During the celebration after the attack on the mining facility, the sergeant wagered with a few others on when the riots in another city district would end.


Vitale wore an infantry uniform and a helmet. She used a comlink and a rifle, as well as a skimmer during her time at the Scar of Troithe. As part of Lark's squadron, she flew an Alpha-3 Nimbus-class V-wing starfighter.

Behind the scenes

Vitale appeared in the 2020 novel Shadow Fall, written by Alexander Freed.

