Twitch, a female human, was a soldier in the Rebel Alliance's 61st Mobile Infantry, known as Twilight Company during the Galactic Civil War. She served with the company on both Bamayar and Dreivus. In 3 ABY, after Everi Chalis, the Imperial Governor, switched sides to join Twilight Company, Twitch and other soldiers discussed the governor while playing cards in the company's recreational area on their CR90 corvette, the Thunderstrike. Following the death of Sergeant Maximian Ajax during a mission, Twitch delivered a speech at his funeral. While Twilight Company was stationed on the planet Ankhural, Twitch shared drinks with fellow Twilight members after the funeral of Captain Micha Evon, recounting a past experience with him. During Twilight Company's battle on Mardona III, Twitch joined a death squad to avenge the murder of Sergeant Pol Andrissus. When Twilight Company was stranded on Sullust, the manufacturing world, Twitch and her squad accompanied acting captain Hazram Namir and two others on a mission to locate a local rebel cell in the capital city of Pinyumb. They infiltrated the city and discovered the cell's safe house, but were ambushed by stormtroopers. Twitch separated from Namir to try and save her squad, but failed. She returned to Twilight Company as they defended a facility from Imperial forces, reuniting with Namir and fighting alongside him. After the battle, Twitch eventually joined another card game with other members. The Alliance transformed into the New Republic, and in 5 ABY, Twitch served with Twilight Company on Troithe, where they encountered Imperial guerrillas. After the Empire's 204th Imperial Fighter Wing forced Twilight squads to retreat from their positions on Troithe, she met up at a speeder garage. Sergeant Carver took command of the remaining Twilight Company members and held a meeting with Twitch and other senior personnel. Following the meeting, the remnant headed for the continent of Scar of Troithe. The Twilight Company remnant traveled via a caravan of repulsorcraft through tunnels toward the Scar of Troithe. After an encounter with a 204th scout, Twitch suggested the caravan halt and prepare defenses against reinforcements. Carver rejected this idea, and the remnant successfully avoided the scout's squadron. Upon reaching the Scar of Troithe, the senior personnel held another meeting, discussing the 204th's intentions regarding the nearby Core Nine mining megafacility and concluding it was their next target. Twilight Company attacked Core Nine, where Sergeants Twitch and Zab led forces inside the facility. Twitch's squads advanced, securing corridor after corridor, until the 204th retreated from Core Nine on a bulk freighter after New Republic reinforcements arrived. Days later, Twitch participated in the celebrations at the Raddakkia Plaza on Troithe, betting with others on when the disturbances in the Old Skybottom District would end. ## Biography ### Early service During the Galactic Civil War, Twitch fought for the Rebel Alliance against the Galactic Empire as a soldier in the 61st Mobile Infantry, commonly known as Twilight Company. During the Alliance's Mid Rim Offensive, which began around 1 ABY, she served with the company on the planet of Bamayar. After the capture of the port of Chenodra, Twitch felt she had made errors in her actions with Sergeant Maximian Ajax. Captain Micha Evon, known as Howl, approached her during the cleanup after Chenodra, but instead spoke about the port's arches and columns. Twitch was also present when Twilight Company was stationed on Dreivus. ### Stories in the clubhouse In 3 ABY, Everi Chalis, the Imperial governor of the Mid Rim planet Haidoral Prime, defected and joined Twilight Company. Shortly after the company left Haidoral Prime, Twitch played cards in the "clubhouse," a social area on the Thunderstrike, Twilight Company's CR90 corvette, with Ajax and two other soldiers: Brand, a former bounty hunter, and Gadren, a Besalisk. When Twitch mentioned the governor's close work with Howl, Ajax, Gadren, and Roach speculated on whether they would attack Chalis. Twitch then played a card that made the other players wince. As the players continued to talk, Twitch laughed when Ajax insulted First Sergeant Hazram Namir, who was also in the clubhouse. She won the next round, and Roach revealed her dislike for Chalis, confusing the other players. Twitch raised an eyebrow but did not press Roach for details. Ajax then declared that the next round's winner would tell their story of joining Twilight Company. Ajax won and chose Brand to tell her story. After Twilight Company's campaign on the jungle planet Coyerti, rearguard actions were announced to the Twilight Company personnel. Shortly after, Twitch was in the clubhouse when Ajax asked Namir, who had recently been released from the medbay, about news on the Alliance's Sixty-Eighth Infantry. When Namir was confused by the question, Twitch noted that the first sergeant had been vomiting during the announcement. After Ajax told Namir about the rearguard actions, Gadren concluded it was a coordinated effort to allow the Alliance Fleet to escape the Mid Rim. Twitch joked that the rebel starships were too slow, suggesting they use ground troops as fuel. ### A friend lost Shortly after, Twilight Company raided an Imperial heavy freighter. Ajax and seven other rebel soldiers were killed in the fighting, and all received a funeral on the Thunderstrike. During the funeral, Quartermaster Hober, traditionally, called out Ajax's name, and Twitch pushed forward to deliver the sergeant's eulogy. She called Ajax a "Bleeding Roughneck" to the end, referencing his former Alliance unit, the Thirty-Second Infantry. Twitch raised a dented and rusted blaster power pack, which Hober drained into the Thunderstrike's vehicle charging station. Twitch stumbled into the clubhouse after the funeral, where someone blamed Ajax for the death of Fektrin, another sergeant who died in the raid. Twitch punched the person, starting a fight that Roach broke up. ### Fight on Ankhural Twilight Company suffered a significant loss of leadership with the deaths of Howl and his senior officers on the Thunderstrike. The company sought refuge on Ankhural, a pirate planet, to repair the corvette and its escort, the Braha'tok-class gunship Apailana's Promise. After a simple funeral for Howl, Twitch toasted the late captain with Namir, Gadren, Brand, the soldier Charmer, and the pilot Nemenov at a cantina. Twitch recounted her experience with Howl on Bamayar, calling the captain a freak. As the conversation changed, Twitch and Charmer exchanged jokes between rounds of drinks. Later, Twitch and other Twilight personnel, including Jinsol and Maediyu, were attacked randomly. The Twilight members returned to the rest of the company, Twitch covered in others' blood. Brand suspected the attackers were the "real powers" of Ankhural and went hunting, asking Namir not to tell Twitch that he had finished the soldier's fight for her. ### The campaign continues Twilight Company left Ankhural to start Operation Ringbreaker, a campaign targeting Imperial installations to force Imperial redeployments from the Kuat Drive Yards, the final target. The first target was Mardona III, a warehouse world, where the company used a housing block as a fallback point. Members of Twitch's squad were caught stealing jewelry and credits from an abandoned residence, and Namir publicly scolded them. Twitch witnessed locals fighting, which worsened when Twilight personnel intervened. After Charmer and two members of his squad were killed in an ambush by an Imperial worm-like vehicle, Namir, acting as captain, asked Twitch to join a death squad to avenge Charmer's killers. The death squad ambushed the vehicle's crew as they disembarked, killing them and destroying the vehicle. Twilight Company left Mardona III soon after. Later in Operation Ringbreaker, Twitch mentioned Dreivus at the clubhouse one night before the company stopped at the junk world Heap Nine. ### Sullust #### Mission into Pinyumb Twilight Company later captured the Inyusu Tor mineral processing facility on Sullust. However, the Thunderstrike was shot down while trying to extract the company, and the Apailana's Promise and its two X-wing starfighters fled. Namir led a rescue mission for the survivors and told Twitch that the five unaccounted for from the rescue parties who did not return within a hour were presumed dead. As Twilight Company fortified the Inyusu Tor facility, Namir chose Twitch and the two remaining members of her squad to accompany him and Chalis on a mission to Pinyumb, Sullust's capital city, to find the local rebel cell, the Sullustan resistance. The group entered an Imperial troop transport from the facility, joined by Roach shortly before departing. They traveled to the base of Inyusu Tor mountain, where the facility was built. Twitch and the others changed into civilian clothes, switched to concealable weapons, and deactivated their comlinks. The group sneaked through the Imperial perimeter around Inyusu Tor, narrowly avoiding stormtroopers. After passing the Imperial blockades, Twitch and the others split into two teams of three and boarded transports descending to Pinyumb. Upon arriving in the city, Twitch questioned the quietness, and Chalis explained that the city had been in lockdown since Twilight Company's arrival. Chalis led the others to a Sullustan resistance safe house, a former icehouse listed in Howl's files. Twitch tampered with the door's control pad and opened it. She then examined the dust on the floor, noting that someone had been there recently, a sentiment Namir shared. #### Ambushed The group decided to wait in the safe house for three hours in case a Sullustan resistance member appeared. Meanwhile, Twitch's two squadmates scouted the spaceport at Pinyumb. Twitch guarded the safe house door with Roach, who spoke about items she had taken from lockers at the Inyusu Tor facility. After half an hour, Namir replaced Roach and asked Twitch when the other soldier had become talkative. Twitch shrugged, saying the soldier had spent more time at the clubhouse and participated in the card games. Namir soon swapped with Roach again. Shortly after, one of Twitch's squadmates reported over their comlink that enemies were outside the safe house, warning the rebels to evacuate. Twitch opened the safe house door through the console and exited with Roach. Namir and Chalis followed, and Imperial stormtroopers fired at the stairway leading from the alleyway to the safe house. Crouched on the stairs, Twitch and Roach returned fire with their snub pistols, Twitch yelling almost inaudible words to Namir. Namir had Chalis and Roach seek shelter with him while Twitch provided cover fire. She and Namir then ran across a street and into an alley while under fire. The pair stopped at a stone building, and Twitch looked back towards the safe house, telling Namir she would catch up. When the captain asked what she was thinking, she said she wanted to go back for her squadmates. Namir said they were dead, but Twitch told him to go to hell and charged back into the fight. #### Return to the company Twitch could not save her squadmates but found her way back to Twilight Company at the Inyusu Tor facility, where Namir, Roach, and Chalis had returned. By this time, Sullust's local Imperial forces were attacking the company at the facility, supported by the Imperial II-class Star Destroyer Herald. Twitch was among the defending ranks when Namir found her. She told the captain she was not sorry for trying to save her squadmates. When Namir asked how she had survived the stormtroopers, she replied with Twilight Company's motto, "Twilight survives." As the defense continued, the Apailana's Promise returned with its X-wings and distracted the Herald. As Namir had squads advance to halt the Imperial advance, he found himself beside Twitch as they fired at stormtroopers. The captain glanced at the Promise and X-wing fighting with the Herald and remarked that it would be embarrassing if the vessels survived longer than the company at the facility, and Twitch finished his sentence. The Star Destroyer later suffered a power surge from internal sabotage and withdrew from Sullust. Twilight Company defeated the ground forces soon after, and Pinyumb also fell from Imperial control after an uprising. Twilight Company began cleaning up the battlefield and maintaining peace in Pinyumb. After the funeral for those who died on Sullust, Twitch, Brand, Gadren, and Commander Tohna found a deck of cards and played at a cantina. During the game, Tohna invited Namir, who was nearby, to join. When the captain declined, Twitch snickered when Brand mentioned that Namir did not know how to play. After Brand explained this to Tohna, Namir snapped that he did know how to play, and Twitch laughed. ### Fighting on Troithe #### On the offensive In 4 ABY, the Alliance became the New Republic after a major victory over the Empire. Twilight Company, including Twitch, continued to serve with the New Republic and joined General Hera Syndulla's Barma Battle Group in a campaign in the Cerberon system in 5 ABY. Stationed on Syndulla's flagship, the Acclamator-class transgalactic military assault ship Lodestar, the company fought through the city districts on Troithe. During the campaign, Twitch, by then a sergeant, once knifed some Imperial guerrillas in an alleyway. Later, she was at Twilight Company's camp in the landed Lodestar when pilots from the New Republic's Alphabet Squadron passed by and were greeted by Sergeant Carver. Twitch mentioned her encounter with the guerrillas when two of the pilots, Wyl Lark and Nath Tensent, stayed to talk with the soldiers. #### Hiding away Later in the campaign, the Empire's 204th Imperial Fighter Wing arrived at the Cerberon system and devastated the New Republic's fleet, destroying the Lodestar. The fighter wing then attacked Twilight Company's positions in Troithe's city districts, forcing the squads to retreat. Twitch and her squad fled to a three-story speeder garage in the Highgarden District, where Carver and other fleeing New Republic personnel met. While the personnel waited for more stragglers, a riot raged nearby. Carver stopped a soldier who suggested intervening, citing Twilight Company's experiences on Switchmount. Twitch, huddled under blankets in a corner, mentioned Mardona as another example, for which Carver thanked her. #### Emergency meeting The next day, Carver held a meeting with the senior personnel in the Twilight Company remnant at the garage, including Twitch, squad commanders and representatives, and Lark and Tensent, who had been separated from their squadron. With Namir and half of Twilight Company stranded offworld, Carver took command of the company's remnant at the speeder garage. Others objected, but Carver continued, asking the attendees to describe the remnant's resources. Twitch chimed in, saying that one of her squad members had only a knife. As the meeting shifted to the tactical situation, the Sullustan Lien Toob discussed the possibility of the 204th spreading through the Cerberon system. Twitch said it did not matter unless Lark and Tensent were flying offworld, as the rest of the remnant was grounded. As the attendees discussed a plan of action, Lark suggested retreating, and Twitch scoffed, saying there was nowhere to run. After the pilot justified his argument, the attendees discussed fleeing to the Scar of Troithe, a mined-out continent on Troithe, and securing a fallback position at the Core Nine mining megafacility. Twitch showed disinterest until the squad commander Junior asked about traveling to the Scar of Troithe. The sergeant called Junior's idea a "death march" and said it would kill her squad. Tensent then proposed forming a makeshift squadron from Twilight personnel with airborne experience, and Carver agreed. #### Traversing tunnels The Twilight Company remnant left the Highgarden District and entered a tunnel network under Troithe's surface that connected to the Scar of Troithe. While the ground personnel traveled in repulsorcraft, Lark and Tensent led their new squadron, whose new pilots flew airspeeders and an Alpha-3 Nimbus-class V-wing starfighter. During the remnant's travels, a TIE fighter from the 204th encountered the caravan but was defeated by Lark. After the encounter with the 204th scout, the senior personnel held a meeting over comm. Twitch suggested parking the caravan and fortifying against Imperial reinforcements, then laughed at her own idea, predicting the fighter wing would drop a bomb and crush the remnant. Carver decided the caravan should keep moving. The scout's squadron found the remnant but could not successfully pursue the New Republic forces. #### Plan of action The caravan reached the Scar of Troithe, where the remnant hid in a ravine, learning that the 204th had occupied the Core Nine facility. The senior personnel held another meeting to discuss their situation. Twitch, cleaning her assault rifle, muttered that the fighter wing was not looking for the remnant, and Carver agreed that the New Republic forces were no longer the 204th's top priority. As the meeting attendees discussed the fighter wing's intentions with Core Nine, Junior deduced that the facility might be used to destroy the entire planet, based on information about the mining facility and Troithe's mineral composition. Twitch asked if he meant the entire planet. Lark weighed evidence on whether the 204th would want to destroy Troithe, citing the fighter wing preventing the incineration of Pandem Nai as an argument against it. After the pilot favored this point, Twitch called his faith uninspiring. As the meeting split into discussions, Twitch, Carver, and the Houk Jorgatha sketched plans for an assault on Core Nine, debating whether a frontal attack was necessary. Lark then suggested that the 204th was trying to escape Troithe. Twitch asked what the fighter wing would be trying to escape. The pilot suggested the fighter wing was trapped on Troithe, and Carver concluded that the 204th either intended to leave the planet or destroy it. Twitch added that both options could happen together. Carver concluded that the Core Nine facility was the remnant's new target, and Twitch said that Lark and Tensent's squadron had better be ready for the attack. #### Siege of Core Nine The remnant learned that the entire 204th was diverting to Core Nine, and Carver formulated a plan to attack the facility quickly. As Lark's squadron engaged the fighter wing's squadrons in the air, Twilight Company forces rushed Core Nine on the ground. Advancing across open terrain, Twitch and Zab led squads inside Core Nine through a gap in the duracrete walls. While Zab's men rushed the defenders, Twitch's assault involved securing territory corridor by corridor. Later in the battle, New Republic reinforcements led by Syndulla arrived. The 204th escaped on a bulk freighter from Core Nine, allowing the New Republic forces to claim victory. Days later, the soldiers and other New Republic personnel celebrated at Troithe's Raddakkia Plaza. Twitch bet with Vitale and Denish Wraive, two pilots from Lark's squadron, on when the rioting in the Old Skybottom District would end. Lark tried to include Chass na Chadic, one of his comrades in Alphabet Squadron, but failed. ## Personality and traits Twitch, a human female, sometimes muttered and
She sometimes mumbled during conversations, and occasionally responded with a shrug. Her words were sharp and bitter during the eulogy for the deceased Maximian Ajax. Following another person's accusation that Ajax was responsible for Fektrin's death, Twitch engaged in a physical altercation with them. When recounting her experience with Howl on Chenodra following the captain's funeral, Twitch described him as a freak and expressed indifference towards his words. She also made crude jokes that Hazram Namir found offensive. Upon arriving at the Sullustan resistance safe house, Twitch made a triumphant sound after successfully unlocking the door to the former icehouse. She also successfully identified evidence that someone had recently visited the safe house. After stormtroopers attacked the group, Twitch was determined to rescue her two squadmates, despite Namir's insistence that they were dead. Twitch felt no remorse for abandoning the captain and telling him to go to hell. During the Apailana's Promise's engagement with the Herald above Inyusu Tor, she agreed with Namir that it would be humiliating if the Braha'tok-class gunship outlasted Twilight Company. After the captain declined to join a card game following the battle, Twitch chuckled when Brand alluded to his lack of knowledge of the game. She then erupted in laughter when Namir denied this. On Troithe, Nath Tensent found Twitch to be unsettling, and Wyl Lark considered her rude and malicious. When Lien Toob suspected the 204th was spreading through the Cerberon during Carver's meeting, Twitch dismissed the concern, noting that most of the Twilight Company remnant was grounded, and she gave a cruel smile when referring to Lark and Tensent. After Lark suggested a retreat, she scoffed, telling him there was nowhere to escape. As the conversations went on, Twitch showed disinterest until Junior mentioned transporting the remnant. She harshly labeled his idea a "death march." After the remnant encountered a 204th scout in the tunnel system beneath Troithe's surface, Twitch mocked her suggestion of parking in the tunnels, stating that the New Republic personnel would be crushed by a bomb explosion. During the meeting at the Scar of Troithe, Twitch primarily focused on cleaning her assault rifle, commenting that the 204th was not actively searching for the remnant due to the fighter wing's limited presence. However, Junior's suggestion that the 204th might want to destroy Troithe diverted her attention from her weapon, prompting her to ask the fellow squad leader for clarification.
Twitch made her debut appearance in the 2015 novel Battlefront: Twilight Company, penned by Alexander Freed.