
Bamayar, a planet situated in the Mid Rim, was the location of both the Ducal Palace and the spaceport of Chenodra. The Imperial cargo pilot Bodhi Rook encountered and became enamored with a woman on Bamayar sometime between approximately 3 BBY and 0 BBY, but she turned him down. Around 1 ABY, during the Rebel Alliance's Mid Rim offensive, the Alliance's 61st Mobile Infantry seized the Ducal Palace and Chenodra. After the capture of Chenodra, Captain Micha Evon discussed the port's architecture with rebel soldier Twitch.


Found within the Mid Rim, Bamayar was a terrestrial [planet](/article/planet]. The Ducal Palace and the foul-smelling port of Chenodra were both located there. The gas giant Bamayar IX shared its designation with Bamayar.


Bodhi Rook (pictured) fell in love with a woman on Bamayar, but was rejected.

Sometime between 3 BBY and 0 BBY, Bodhi Rook, a pilot working for the Galactic Empire as a cargo transporter, met a woman on Bamayar and developed romantic feelings for her. However, she rejected his advances, leading Rook's friends to take him drinking.

During the Rebel Alliance's Mid Rim offensive, which commenced around 1 ABY, the 61st Mobile Infantry of the Alliance took control of the Ducal Palace and Chenodra. While cleaning up at Chenodra, Captain Micha Evon, also known as Howl, approached the rebel soldier Twitch—who believed that she and another soldier, Maximian Ajax, had made a significant error during their time on Bamayar—and started discussing the structures, arches, and columns of the port. In 3 ABY, following Howl's funeral, Twitch recounted a story about the captain at Chenodra.

Behind the scenes

The planet Bamayar was initially mentioned in the 2015 novel Battlefront: Twilight Company, which was authored by Alexander Freed.

