Bamayar IX existed as a gas giant composed of gas clouds displaying emerald and turquoise colors. Sometime between 7 BBY and approximately 5 BBY, Bodhi Rook, a prospective pilot, navigated a Nu-class transport with expertise through Bamayar IX's atmospheric clouds, carrying fellow students from the Galactic Empire's Terrabe Sector Service Academy. During his escape from the Death Star superweapon's blast on the moon Jedha in 0 BBY, Rook recalled his flight through Bamayar IX when observing the shockwave's storm.

While training to be a pilot at the Terrabe Sector Service Academy of the Galactic Empire, Bodhi Rook piloted a dilapidated Nu-class transport through Bamayar IX's cloud formations between 7 BBY and approximately 5 BBY, transporting several classmates. Rook's masterful control of the transport, as it careened through the clouds and lightning, impressed his peers, who cheered him on.
Later, in 0 BBY, Rook, having since abandoned the Empire, fled the moon of Jedha aboard a UT-60D U-wing transport of the Rebel Alliance after the Death Star superweapon struck [Jedha City](/article/jedha_city]. As he observed the massive dust and debris cloud resulting from the Death Star's destructive force, Rook, on the U-wing, vividly recalled his time piloting through Bamayar IX.
The first depiction of Bamayar IX was in Alexander Freed's Rogue One: A Star Wars Story novelization, which was released in 2016.