Known as Brand, Lauren Mel Coelho, whose birth occurred on the planet of Tangenine, was a female human who fought for the Alliance to Restore the Republic within the ranks of the 61st Mobile Infantry, more often called Twilight Company. Before joining Twilight Company, Lauren operated under the alias Brand as a bounty hunter after her family's demise at the hands of the Malandro syndicate. She brought her unique skill set to Twilight Company, functioning as the group's sniper and tracker. Brand had a tendency to keep to herself, and she preferred a greater degree of autonomy in her missions compared to the other soldiers in Twilight Company.
Lauren Mel Coelho's birth took place on the planet Tangenine sometime between 40 BBY and 38 BBY. Her parents, Remba and Kelven, affectionately called her Lau. She was a student at a local school. Coelho's family were the owners of a norango farm, but they were being shaken down by the Malandro syndicate. One day, her parents summoned her to the farmhouse, where they instructed her to take her baby brother, Julien, to their gran. As Coelho was running from the farm with Julien on her back, Remba and Kelven were confronted and killed by the Falleen gangster Annaz, due to Remba's refusal to pay protection money to the Malandro syndicate. Coelho and Julien lived with their gran until she succumbed to a fever some years later. When Julien became sick, Coelho resorted to stealing a speeder for the Malandro syndicate in order to afford his treatment, but she was apprehended and incarcerated. By the time she was released, Julien had died.
Some years later, the Galactic Empire gained control of Tangenine and soon discovered the extent of the Malandro syndicate's influence. They then enlisted bounty hunters to purge the underworld. Coelho resurfaced under the new identity of Brand. She primarily accepted contracts targeting the Malandro syndicate, including Annaz herself. However, as Tangenine returned to order, Brand began to witness the Empire's corruption; a petty thief received a life sentence, while a gang leader and drug dealer was pardoned after bribing a magistrate.

Growing weary of the corruption on Tangenine, Brand accepted an off-world assignment. Her target was Captain Micha Evon of the Rebel Alliance's 61st Mobile Infantry, more famously known as Twilight Company. She tracked Twilight Company to Veron and offered to join their ranks. After smuggling in her equipment, she seized her opportunity when the company was stationed on the backwater world of Allst Prime. Together with Captain Evon, she stormed the governor's office, and Brand incapacitated Governor Magé. She then aimed her blaster at Evon, but hesitated when he revealed his knowledge of her past. He then invited her to stay with the 61st, an offer she accepted.
Brand spent the following years fighting alongside Twilight Company against the Empire on various planets. During the company's campaign on Haidoral Prime in 3 ABY, she, Sergeant Hazram Namir, Gadren, and Charmer infiltrated the governor's mansion and apprehended the defecting Governor Everi Chalis. She provided the Alliance with information about the Empire's operations, which Captain Evon tested using her intel on a Coyerti distillery that Brand, Namir, Gadren, and new recruit Roach subsequently destroyed. The Alliance High Command then extended invitations to Chalis, Evon, Namir, and soldiers Roja and Beak to visit Echo Base. Meanwhile, Brand and the rest of Twilight Company were to rendezvous with a flotilla of a dozen ships to repair their CR90 corvette, the Thunderstrike.
During their time with the flotilla, the soldiers of Twilight Company visited the other starships. Captain So-Hem of the Sixmoon invited troops to visit his ship. Near the end of their stay, the light freighter Trumpet's Call arrived at the rendezvous with failing life support systems and a mostly deceased crew. Brand and the others rescued the survivors, and once they were stable, Brand examined the ship's database. She discovered that none of the survivors matched the Trumpet's Call's crew manifest and were in fact Imperial spies. By the time she returned to the ship, the spies had infiltrated the ship and murdered Lieutenant Sairgon, Commander Paonu, and the majority of the bridge crew. Before his death, Sairgon had alerted the rest of the flotilla, causing all the ships to flee except for the Thunderstrike's escort, the Braha'tok-class gunship Apailana's Promise. Brand assisted in retaking the Thunderstrike from the spies, and they narrowly avoided destruction by the Imperial-class Star Destroyer Herald.
Twilight Company fled to the pirate backwater world of Ankhural, where they continued to repair the Thunderstrike. Chalis and Namir returned from Echo Base, where the Empire had attacked, and Darth Vader had killed Evon, Roja, and Beak. Brand and Twilight Company remained there for the next few weeks, continuing the repairs until Chalis proposed Operation Ringbreaker, which involved attacking multiple Imperial locations to force redeployments of security forces away from Kuat Drive Yards, the ultimate target. The senior members of Twilight Company approved the plan and attacked various Imperial strongholds, until their assault on the manufacturing planet Sullust resulted in the Empire's Vixus Squadron ambushing and destroying the Thunderstrike. With the Apailana's Promise fleeing Sullust, the 61st was stranded at the factory Inyusu Tor that they had just captured, and the Herald was en route to assist the Imperial ground forces preparing to attack them.
When the Herald finally arrived, the Empire's forces advanced on the entrenched rebels. Brand helped hold the line and repel the advancing Imperials, while the Apailana's Promise returned to keep the Herald's cannons directed away from the ground. Chalis abandoned Twilight Company and boarded a shuttle to the Herald, where she sabotaged the Star Destroyer with an ion bomb in the shuttle, forcing the warship to retreat. This left Brand and the others to fend off the remaining ground forces. Once the ground battle concluded, the locals overthrew the remaining Imperials on Sullust.
After the Battle of Endor, the Rebel Alliance was reformed into the New Republic. Twilight Company continued its service as an infantry unit within the reorganized faction.
Twilight Company was deployed with General Hera Syndulla's battle group to the Cerberon system campaign, where it participated in the Troithe operation for several weeks. Brand, along with other Twilight Company soldiers, was present on Asteroid CER952B and stood with Namir during his conversation with the New Republic pilot Wyl Lark.
Brand made her first appearance in the 2015 novel Battlefront: Twilight Company written by Alexander Freed.