Allst Prime, situated in a remote region of space, was a planet under the oppressive rule of Governor Magé during the Galactic Empire's dominance. Its inhabitants were largely impoverished. Sometime between 2 BBY and 0 BBY, the Rebel Alliance's 61st Mobile Infantry was dispatched to Allst Prime with the mission to destroy the resident Imperial outpost. During this conflict, a rebel soldier named Brand, secretly operating as a bounty hunter, performed a rescue of a fellow soldier. Subsequently, Brand collaborated with Captain Micha Evon to subdue Magé within the headquarters. Brand initially intended to claim a bounty on Evon, but the captain's persuasion led her to remain with the 61st.
Allst Prime was a planet characterized by forests, at least one city, an Imperial outpost, and an Imperial headquarters.

During the Galactic Empire's reign, administrator Magé governed Allst Prime, enjoying a luxurious lifestyle within the planet's Imperial headquarters. Meanwhile, the local populace in the nearby city endured severe poverty, with children scavenging through waste for items to sell for food. The Rebel Alliance's 61st Mobile Infantry was sent to the planet between 2 BBY and 0 BBY to eliminate the Imperial outpost. The rebel soldiers from the 61st then clashed with Imperial forces on Allst Prime.
The inhabitants of Allst Prime offered little resistance to the 61st's arrival. In the midst of the conflict, Brand, a rebel soldier who was secretly a bounty hunter tasked with killing Captain Micha Evon of the 61st, rescued her Mirialan comrade Lylee Anaraku from an AT-ST walker. Following their exchange, Brand aimed her blaster at Evon, who was temporarily replacing the deceased Forward Air Controller Cait. Anaraku was subsequently wounded by an Imperial, who Brand eliminated before attending to her Mirialan friend.
Subsequently, Brand and Evon infiltrated the Imperial headquarters and subdued Governor Magé and her aide in the governor's office. Within Magé's office, Brand drew her blaster on Evon, intending to collect the bounty on him. However, Evon, already aware of the bounty hunter's background and motivations, engaged her in a discussion, ultimately convincing her to remain with the 61st due to the bonds she had formed with the soldiers.
Allst Prime was featured in "Inbrief," a short story penned by Janine K. Spendlove, featuring illustrations by Jose Cabrera, and initially published in Star Wars Insider 161 on November 10, 2015.