Battle of Allst Prime

Between the years of 2 BBY and 0 BBY, but prior to the battle on Vir Aphshire, a battle occurred on Allst Prime. This conflict saw the 61st Mobile Infantry of the Rebel Alliance, under the command of Captain Micha Evon, clash with Galactic Empire forces commanded by Governor Magé. During the heat of the engagement, Officer Cait, who served as Forward Air Control, was killed while guiding the 61st's X-Wings; Evon was then forced to assume Cait's duties. Simultaneously, 61st Soldier Brand saved Lylee Anaraku from an AT-ST. Brand's attention was diverted by Evon, who was standing above Cait's body, relaying commands through her comm. During this distraction, Anaraku was shot down by an Imperial soldier; Brand eliminated the Imperial and rushed to Anaraku's assistance. Later, during the battle, Brand and Evon forced their way into the governor's office, where Brand stunned Magé. Brand then aimed her weapon at Evon, revealing that she had accepted a bounty for his capture. Evon then disclosed his knowledge of her history, persuading her to remain with the 61st and leave behind her former existence as a bounty hunter.

