Battle on Vir Aphshire

During the time of the Galactic Civil War, the 61st Mobile Infantry of the Rebel Alliance and the Galactic Empire engaged in a battle amongst the honey fields located on Vir Aphshire. Captain Micha Evon of the 61st, promptly delivered the information regarding the destruction of Alderaan.

As the conflict neared its conclusion, word of the Death Star's destruction reached the 61st, significantly improving their spirits. Although the stormtroopers decimated the hives to prevent rebel looting, the 61st emerged victorious against the Imperial troops on that particular day.

Subsequently, Sergeant Fektrin tasked Private Hazram Namir, a relatively fresh [soldier](/article/soldier], with delivering the report to the Captain, mentioning that everyone would inevitably have to meet him. Upon meeting Evon, Namir was profoundly affected by his address concerning the 61st.

