
Fektrin, an alien of male gender, held the rank of sergeant within the Rebel Alliance's 61st Mobile Infantry, more commonly known as Twilight Company. He was on the planet Vir Aphshire in 0 ABY when he gave a report to private Hazram Namir for delivery to the company's captain, Micha Evon. In 3 ABY, while stationed on Haidoral Prime, he received a message from an Imperial defector, leading him to dispatch Namir, by then a First Sergeant, to investigate.

During an unexpected attack on Twilight Company's CR90 corvette, the Thunderstrike, Fektrin was in the mess hall. He alerted Namir to the potential danger to the corvette's brig. Later, Fektrin commanded his squad and a group of three engineers in a raid targeting an Imperial heavy freighter. He directed the engineers to recover supplies during this raid, but he met his death when his squad became separated during their retreat from the freighter. A funeral was held for Fektrin and the other soldiers who died in the raid.


Joining the rebellion

Fektrin, a male alien, was a member of the Rebel Alliance's 61st Mobile Infantry, famously known as Twilight Company, by 0 ABY. In that year, Twilight Company fought against forces of the Galactic Empire on the planet Vir Aphshire. After the battle, which occurred around the time of the Battle of Yavin, Fektrin scouted a nearby settlement. Upon his return to Twilight Company, he gave a report to private Hazram Namir, instructing him to deliver it to the company's captain, Micha Evon, also known as Howl. Fektrin commented to Namir that it was essential for everyone in Twilight Company to eventually meet Howl.

The defector

In 3 ABY, Twilight Company attacked the planet Haidoral Prime. A mouse droid emerged from the Governor's Mansion, which was under lockdown by a dozen squads, several days into the battle. The droid carried a message from a supposed "rebel sympathizer" claiming that rebels were being held captive inside the mansion. Fektrin recognized this as a false claim and informed Howl. However, the captain suspected that there might be captured civilians and decided to send a squad into the mansion. Fektrin summoned Namir, who had been promoted to First Sergeant, and his squad to the mansion.

Fektrin briefed Namir on the situation and his mission to infiltrate the mansion to investigate the potential captives. When Namir questioned the sympathizer's claim, Fektrin remarked that the loss would be limited to one squad if the mission went poorly. Namir then pointed out that Howl was essentially gambling his squad for the possibility of rescuing civilian captives. Fektrin inquired if the First Sergeant wanted to discuss this with Howl, leading Namir to comply with his orders. Subsequently, Namir and his squad infiltrated the mansion. Fektrin prepared several squads for a frontal assault on the building if necessary. Namir's squad discovered that Everi Chalis, the governor of Haidoral Prime, had sent the message to defect to the Alliance. Namir and his squad then escorted her back to Twilight Company.

Three days later, Twilight Company, aboard their CR90 corvette the Thunderstrike, encountered and engaged an Imperial reconnaissance squadron in the Kontahr sector. Fektrin requested shelters to report in over a comlink in the corvette's mess hall when Namir approached him. Fektrin informed Namir that the attackers, as far as he knew, were a force larger than pirates but smaller than an Imperial-class Star Destroyer of the Empire. The Thunderstrike then experienced a jolt, and Fektrin received news of a possible hull breach in section 10. Namir inquired about the status of the brig, but Fektrin was unable to contact the guard there, prompting the first sergeant to go there himself to rescue Chalis.

Final mission

The Thunderstrike survived that battle and later fought on the planet Coyerti. However, the corvette and its escort, the Braha'tok-class gunship Apailana's Promise and two X-wing starfighters, were attacked three times due to the Empire tracking them via a hyperdrive leak. To repair the hyperdrive, Twilight Company boarded an Imperial heavy freighter in the Redhurne system to acquire supplies. Fektrin and his squad, accompanied by three engineers and an astromech droid, set out to meet Namir's squad at the command center. En route, Cappandar, one of Fektrin's soldiers, was fatally wounded by multiple blaster shots.

Fektrin and his team reached the command center and eliminated the Imperials present. When Namir and Chalis arrived, having left their troops at their boarding pod, Fektrin directed the latter and his astromech to one of the terminals. He informed Namir of Cappandar's death and questioned whether Chalis could secure the necessary resources. Namir responded that she was motivated to survive and would do her best. After Chalis finished at the terminal, she informed Fektrin that his engineers could salvage parts from the upper drive compartments. Namir instructed the sergeant to stay close to his engineers while he and Chalis provided cover. Fektrin then kicked a dead stormtrooper's blaster rifle to Chalis and proceeded to lead his engineers into the lower decks.

Fektrin and his squad collected supplies while Namir and Chalis established a defensive position to eliminate approaching soldiers. Once they had finished salvaging, they signaled the other squads, who began a slow withdrawal back to their boarding pods. Following the arrival of an Imperial Gozanti-class cruiser in the Redhurne system, the squads were given five minutes to return to their pods. As each team hurried back, Fektrin's team became separated. Although the engineers escaped safely, Fektrin and his squad were overwhelmed individually. Fektrin ultimately died within the next minute. Namir discovered his body and decided to take his boarding pod back.


Following the raid, Lieutenant Sairgon, Howl's second-in-command, assessed Twilight Company's losses. The lieutenant noted that while only eight individuals were lost, those individuals, including Fektrin, were particularly valuable. Fektrin and the other seven fallen soldiers were honored with a funeral in the Thunderstrike's vehicle bay. In accordance with Twilight Company tradition, a fellow soldier delivered a brief eulogy for Fektrin, and a power pack was drained into the corvette's main battery in his memory. Fektrin was among the topics discussed at the Thunderstrike's clubhouse afterward. With the sergeant's passing, the alien Mzun took over leadership of Fektrin's squad.

Personality and traits

Fektrin considered the loss of a squad of soldiers to be a minor issue in the grand scheme of war. When Hazram Namir argued against infiltrating the governor's mansion on Haidoral Prime, the alien sarcastically asked the First Sergeant if he wanted to take the matter up with Captain Howl. While conducting a head count aboard the Thunderstrike during a fleet engagement in the Kontahr sector, Fektrin assumed that those unaccounted for were simply stragglers. During the raid on an Imperial freighter, the sergeant questioned Namir about whether Chalis could genuinely assist Twilight Company in achieving their objective.

Fektrin was a male alien characterized by tendrils dangling from his cheeks and chin. Namir perceived the arrangement of these tendrils as resembling a beard. Fektrin possessed an ear.


During the battle in the Kontahr sector and the raid on the freighter, Fektrin utilized a comm.

Behind the scenes

Fektrin made his debut appearance in the 2015 canon novel Battlefront: Twilight Company, penned by Alexander Freed.

