
Coyerti, situated in the Mid Rim, was a planet inhabited by the Coyerti species. Its abundant flora and fauna led to its selection as a military research base for biological weapons. During the Galactic Civil War, it was the site of a conflict involving the Rebel Alliance against the forces of the Galactic Empire.

Planet Details

This planet, Coyerti, was on the fringe of the Mid Rim Territories, and it had a single moon in orbit around it. Its landscape was characterized by hills and valleys, interspersed with areas of jungle. The atmosphere had high humidity and a strong vegetal odor that reacted to blaster fire, producing a sharp, irritating smell. Coyerti was abundant in [plant](/article/plant] and animal life, featuring dense trees with thick leaves, red ferns, and served as the homeworld for a sentient species bearing the same name.

Historical Information

Era of the Republic and the Empire

Prior to the Clone Wars, which began in 22 BBY, Coyerti was a topic of discussion among the senate members of the Galactic Republic. Proposals were made to establish a shipping route between Coyerti and Malastare for the purpose of transporting permacrete.

In 19 BBY, the Republic transitioned into the Galactic Empire. Due to its rich plant and animal life, the Empire utilized Coyerti as a research station, making it an ideal location for testing and creating [biological weapons](/article/bioweapon]. Imperial Distillery facilities in the hills of Coyerti produced poisons that were unleashed upon the planet's ecosystem, leading to swamps filled with decaying trees and rotting organic matter. Simultaneously, the native Coyerti resisted the Imperial occupation, leading to over a decade of conflict that strained Imperial resources. Around 0 BBY, the criminal Jyn Erso spent some time wandering the Mid Rim on planets like Coyerti and Cerea, before eventually settling on Takodana for nearly a year.

The Galactic Civil War

Initial Engagements

In 3 ABY, during the Galactic Civil War between the Empire and the Rebel Alliance, the Coyerti entered their breeding season, rendering them vulnerable to the Imperial forces stationed on Coyerti. Consequently, a request for assistance was sent to the Alliance High Command. Three weeks later, the High Command dispatched the Alliance's 61st Mobile Infantry, known as Twilight Company, to Coyerti to safeguard the native population. This deployment also aimed to provide cover for Alliance forces withdrawing from the Mid Rim after a failed operation, and to evaluate information provided by the Imperial Governor defector, Everi Chalis, regarding the Distillery.

Twilight Company deployed squads of rebel soldiers to Coyerti via [dropships](/article/dropship]. On the first day of the campaign, two squads—commanded by First Sergeant Hazram Namir and Sergeant Zab, respectively—attacked an Imperial scout post that was providing logistical support for the Empire's campaign against the Coyerti. The two squads quickly overwhelmed the Imperial outpost in ten minutes, then rigged its equipment with explosives and retreated into the jungle before TIE/sa bomber reinforcements could arrive.

On day two, Namir's squad was setting up an ambush for an Imperial convoy, but they learned the Imperials had rerouted. On the same day, the first major conflict occurred when a dozen Twilight squads, led by squad commander Carver, attacked an Imperial fort. The rebels emerged victorious as the battle concluded during the night. The following day, Namir and his squad received orders to destroy an Imperial AT-ST walker. The four rebels initially conducted hit-and-run attacks on the walker, but they eventually changed their strategy and lured the AT-ST into a marsh, where it became trapped in a bog.

Imperial Setbacks

On the fourth day of the Coyerti campaign, Namir's squad moved from the bog into the highland jungle of Coyerti, heading towards the Imperial Distillery, using intel from Chalis. The squad stopped to eat at sunset, and then they traveled until midnight before resting. The next day, they scouted the Distillery, observing patrol routes and potential entry points. When a lightly armored transport arrived around midday, the rebel soldier [Brand](/article/brand] seized the opportunity to infiltrate the compound and attach a [microdetonator](/article/microdetonator] to the base of a blue chemical barrel, setting it to detonate in thirty minutes.

The [detonator](/article/detonator] triggered the release of toxins from the barrel, prompting an evacuation of the Distillery, with all entrances opening for personnel to escape. Namir's squad stealthily approached a rear entrance, eliminated the lone stormtrooper guard, and entered the facility to place explosives in various rooms, resulting in the death of an Imperial worker who had not evacuated. After completing their mission, they fled the Distillery, reaching half a [kilometer](/article/kilometer] away before the explosives completely destroyed the compound.

Kenobi's Warning

In 4 ABY, during a conversation on the swamp planet Dagobah, the Force ghost of the Jedi Obi-Wan Kenobi informed the aspiring Jedi Luke Skywalker that the future of Coyerti, along with many other planets, hinged on a final confrontation between Skywalker and the Sith Lord Darth Vader.

Production Notes

Coyerti was first introduced in Battlefront: Twilight Company, a 2015 novel authored by Alexander Freed.

