During the Coyerti campaign of 3 ABY, an attack was executed by two squads commanded by First Sergeant Hazram Namir and Sergeant Zab on a Imperial scout post. This post was situated on the planet Coyerti, a jungle world in the Mid Rim. They successfully overwhelmed the defending Imperial garrison and captured the outpost, but subsequently withdrew to evade approaching TIE/sa bombers.
As part of the Alliance to Restore the Republic's Mid Rim Retreat, the 61st Mobile Infantry of the Alliance launched a campaign on Coyerti in 3 ABY. This campaign had a threefold purpose: first, to safeguard the Coyerti species during their reproductive period; second, to disrupt the Galactic Empire's bioweapon manufacturing activities on Coyerti; and third, to provide a further distraction to facilitate the Alliance Fleet's retreat from the Mid Rim.

First Sergeant Hazram Namir and Sergeant Zab led two squads which were dispatched to find and eliminate a Imperial scout post. This post was established to provide logistical support to the Empire's ongoing offensive against the Coyerti. Namir's squad provided covering fire for the second squad's direct assault, after they agreed on a strategy. Early in the attack, Gadren, a Besalisk from Namir's squad, advanced with his blaster cannon. A grenade thrown by an Imperial grenadier nearly killed Gadren when it was thrown at him, but fortunately for Gadren, it failed to explode.
Namir ordered Roach to provide cover, while two of Zab's soldiers assisted Gadren in the center of the camp to prevent the Imperials from organizing. After ten minutes of intense fighting, the outpost was captured. Zab requested that Twilight Company obtain the speeder bikes left at the base, but Namir refused, believing that they were equipped with homing beacons that would reveal their position. The squads destroyed the remaining equipment at the base and then withdrew into the jungle before being detected by TIE/sa bomber patrols.