Zab's squad was a group of soldiers under the command of Zab, a Sergeant within the 61st Mobile Infantry of the Alliance to Restore the Republic. Hazram Namir, a First Sergeant, famously described them as "hydro spanner-mishandling morons". The squad successfully infiltrated a droid into a surveillance hub in Haidoral Prime in 3 ABY, subsequently transmitting a message to the populace about the 61st's recruitment drive. Furthermore, they provided support to Namir's squad by attacking an Imperial encampment on the initial day of the Coyerti campaign. During a raid on an Imperial heavy freighter, they also functioned as a heavy weapons team. After the Thunderstrike was destroyed, they established sniper positions to protect the rescue teams as they recovered those who survived.
The novel Battlefront: Twilight Company, authored by Alexander Freed, features Zab's squad.