
Roach, a human female, was a member of the Alliance to Restore the Republic's famed 61st Mobile Infantry, more famously known as Twilight Company. In 3 ABY, she was recruited on her home planet of Haidoral Prime by First Sergeant Hazram Namir and Quartermaster Hober. Prior to this, Roach had spent half a year incarcerated in an Imperial detention facility. Upon her integration into the company, Namir developed an affinity for her, discerning that she was in recovery from spice addiction.

During the Coyerti campaign, Roach served as part of a squad alongside Namir, Gadren, and Brand. Her initial combat experiences were eased by the support of Namir, Gadren, and Charmer. Despite grappling with her spice addiction, she managed to endure the battle, even in the face of Imperial bioweapons. Following the Battle of Hoth and an attack on the Thunderstrike within the Elochar sector, Roach stood alone as the sole recruit from Haidoral Prime who resisted the temptation to desert. Subsequently, she played a role in the company's operations aimed at clearing a path for an assault on the shipyards of Kuat. Roach met her death during the Siege of Inyusu Tor when the company found themselves marooned on Sullust.

Character and Attributes

Roach displayed a certain level of dedication upon enlisting in Twilight Company, shown by her diligent reading of the White Book; however, she soon realized that such regulations were largely disregarded by the soldiers of Twilight. Her voice was soft. Her demeanor was often tense and jumpy, partially stemming from her ongoing recovery from spice addiction. Despite initially misrepresenting her proficiency with a blaster, she proved to be a quick learner, evolving into a valuable asset to the company. The seasoned veterans of Twilight Company quickly grew fond of her, extending an invitation to the Thunderstrike's clubhouse relatively soon after her recruitment, a privilege typically reserved for soldiers after several months of service.

Production Notes

Roach made her debut in the 2015 canon novel Battlefront: Twilight Company, penned by Alexander Freed. In an interview with the Daily Dot, Freed revealed that he conceived Roach as a means of illustrating the training and assimilation process within Twilight Company, as well as to emphasize that the rank-and-file members of Twilight had lives before joining the company. He also admitted to enjoying writing Roach, finding her "childish joy" a refreshing element that elicited reactions from other characters.

