
During the Galactic Civil War, Hober, a male quartermaster within the Rebel Alliance's 61st Mobile Infantry, also known as Twilight Company, provided his services. In the year 3 ABY, he functioned as the recruiting officer for a recruitment initiative on the planet of Haidoral Prime. Subsequently, he was present at a meeting led by Captain Micha Evon concerning the damaged hyperdrive of the company's CR90 corvette, named the Thunderstrike. Following Twilight Company's raided operation on an Imperial heavy freighter, Hober officiated a funeral in remembrance of the lost soldiers.

While stationed on Ankhural, Hober suggested to First Sergeant Hazram Namir that a funeral be held for the late Evon. He later participated in a meeting where the former governor Everi Chalis presented a fresh campaign proposal for the company. During the meeting's discussions, Hober posed numerous inquiries to Chalis. Additionally, he proposed the field promotion of Namir to the position of commanding officer. Following Twilight Company's attacked on Mardona III, Hober conducted the funeral service for the soldiers who perished in battle.

Soon after, Twilight Company found themselves marooned on Sullust, where they defended the Inyusu Tor mineral processing facility against Imperial forces. Hober acted as Namir's aide, relaying communications and directives via comlink. He alerted Namir when a lava trap was primed for activation and became separated from the commanding officer during the defense as Twilight personnel retreated towards the facility's entrance. Ultimately, the company emerged victorious, and Hober organized a funeral to honor all those who fell during their time on Sullust, presiding over the service for more than four hours.


Recruitment duty

During the time of the Galactic Civil War, Hober's role was as a quartermaster in the Rebel Alliance's 61st Mobile Infantry, more popularly known as Twilight Company. He had several assistants working under him. After Captain Micha Evon, nicknamed Howl, implemented a more inclusive recruitment strategy, the quartermaster had lengthy discussions with First Sergeant Hazram Namir about it. In 3 ABY, Twilight Company fought against forces of the Galactic Empire on the Mid Rim planet Haidoral Prime. After more than thirty hours of combat, some Twilight squads gathered in the main plaza of the planet's capital city, known as Haidoral Administrative Center One. Following tradition, Twilight Company conducted an open recruitment event in the plaza, with Hober taking the lead as the recruiting officer.

During the recruitment process, Namir conducted his own evaluations of the potential recruits, sharing his recommendations with the quartermaster, who responded with a shrug. Hober then brought up Howl's policy with the first sergeant, and Namir commented that it would take crazy people to board a sinking ship. The quartermaster jokingly warned that if the first sergeant spoke louder, the recruitment would end prematurely. Hober proceeded to question the prospective recruits about their backgrounds and combat experience, deciding who he wanted to enlist. A group of three potential recruits got into a scuffle until Namir intervened, nodding to the quartermaster after speaking with them. Hober, appearing skeptical, resumed his duties.

Freighter raid

Shortly thereafter, Twilight Company, aboard its CR90 corvette, the Thunderstrike, and the Braha'tok-class gunship Apailana's Promise, was being chased through the Metatessu sector by Imperial forces who were tracking a hypermatter leak from the Thunderstrike's [hyperdrive](/article/hyperdrive]. Howl convened a meeting with the senior staff and bridge crew of both vessels in the corvette's conference room, inviting Hober, Namir, and Chief Medic Von Geiz as a courtesy. It was not expected that the three would participate in the discussion. As the meeting unfolded, Everi Chalis, the Imperial governor of Haidoral Prime who had defected to Twilight Company, suggested boarding an Imperial cargo transport to acquire supplies to repair the Thunderstrike's hyperdrive. Namir explained how Chalis's idea could be executed, glancing briefly at Hober as he spoke.

Twilight Company ultimately raided an Imperial heavy freighter to obtain the necessary supplies. Following the raid, Hober held a funeral on the Thunderstrike for the eight soldiers who had died during the operation, with his voice broadcast over the corvette's intercom system. After the quartermaster recited the names of each deceased soldier, a Twilight Company member close to the individual delivered a eulogy for their fallen comrade. The soldier Twitch gave Sergeant Maximian Ajax's eulogy, holding up a dented blaster power pack, which Hober then drained into the vehicle charging station.

Consolidation on Ankhural

After some time, Twilight Company suffered the loss of all its officers with command experience, including Howl. The company then sought refuge on the pirate backwater planet Ankhural, where the Thunderstrike and Apailana's Promise underwent repairs. On one day, the soldier Brand returned from a mission in Ankhural's main city, shaking her head to Hober to indicate that there were no updates or emergencies to report.

Hober, Von Geiz, Namir, and the senior officers held meetings in the conference room to review updates from engineers and supply requisitions from Hober. During one such meeting, Namir raised the issue of some soldiers contemplating desertion. As the attendees discussed potential solutions, Hober suggested a funeral for Howl, arguing that it was long overdue. Namir initially opposed the idea but yielded to the overwhelming support for Hober's suggestion.

Operation Ringbreaker

Shortly after, Chalis convened a meeting to propose Operation Ringbreaker, a campaign designed to force redeployments from the Kuat Drive Yards to weaken the shipyards in anticipation of a future attack. When debates arose regarding the former governor's plan, Hober posed numerous questions to Chalis about the targets before Kuat and the shipyard's defenses. He then experienced a coughing fit before Von Geiz intervened, with Chalis answering Hober's questions afterward. When a vote was subsequently held for Operation Ringbreaker, Hober, along with the soldiers Gadren and Mzun, remained silent. Nevertheless, the vote was in favor, and the quartermaster suggested initiating takeoff preparations. Hober then brought up the possibility of Namir becoming the new commanding officer, which ultimately led to the first sergeant's field promotion to the role.

Operation Ringbreaker commenced with Twilight Company's attack on the warehouse planet Mardona III. Following the company's departure from the world, Hober hosted a funeral service. When the quartermaster called out the name of the late Sergeant Pol Andrissus, the soldier Carver delivered the sergeant's eulogy. After all seven fallen were eulogized, Hober stepped away from the charging station, and Chalis took over, briefly murmuring something to the quartermaster before addressing the audience. After the former governor concluded her speech, someone muttered "Onward to victory," which Namir—now holding the rank of captain—believed was Hober.

Stranded on Sullust

Passing orders

Twilight Company continued its attacks on various targets as part of Operation Ringbreaker. However, the Thunderstrike was shot down during the company's time on the manufacturing planet Sullust. With the Apailana's Promise and its two X-wing starfighters having escaped, Twilight Company was stranded on the surface and fortified themselves at the Inyusu Tor mineral processing facility. The local Imperial garrison soon launched an assault on the Inyusu Tor facility, supported by the Imperial II-class Star Destroyer Herald.

Namir selected Hober to serve as his aide during the battle, using a comlink to relay orders and messages from a secure location. As the fighting began, the quartermaster informed the captain that the Herald was descending toward the surface of Sullust. Namir inquired about the well-being of the Twilight personnel, to which Hober replied that the company knew their duties. As the battle progressed, the captain instructed the quartermaster to order the outer defense lines to gradually withdraw. When AT-ST walkers entered the battlefield, the quartermaster was directed to have the inner artillery target the walkers. Hober inquired about the trench teams, but the captain insisted that some would survive, requesting that an order be given for the outer squads to retreat to the perimeter.

Rebel victory

Namir left to check on other personnel but soon returned to Hober's side, mentioning the Herald's approach. Hober asked if the troops should retreat inside the Inyusu Tor facility, but the captain decided to wait longer. As enemy fire intensified on Twilight Company, Namir pulled the quartermaster into a crouch. The Herald opened fire on the company's outer positions, and Hober had to shout into the captain's ear that the troops were still in position. However, the Apailana's Promise and its X-wings arrived and diverted the Star Destroyer's attention. Namir asked how long the ships could withstand the Herald, to which the quartermaster described the difficulty in maintaining a channel with the Promise and doubted that the gunship and its fighters would last long. The captain remarked that they might not last long either, eliciting laughter from Hober.

As the battle continued, Hober approached Namir again and nodded to the captain when the engineer teams finished digging holes for lava to be pumped through as a defensive measure. Namir authorized the use of the lava trap, cutting off the Imperial forces' retreat. The enemies then intensified their offensive, and the Twilight Company forces retreated to the Inyusu Tor facility entrance, with Hober becoming separated from the captain in the process. The Herald soon departed from the battle scene after experiencing a power surge. The Imperial forces then pursued the company's troops inside the facility but were gradually eliminated until they were ultimately defeated.

After the battle concluded, Twilight Company conducted a cleanup of the battlefield and salvaged the wreckage of the Thunderstrike. Namir tasked Hober with organizing a funeral for the numerous Twilight personnel, including droids, who had perished. The quartermaster and Von Geiz located a speaker for each eulogy. As the funeral extended for nearly four hours, the power packs were drained into emergency generators obtained from the native Sullustans rather than a vehicle charging station. Hober also drained the laser cannon plasma cells from the Thunderstrike, with Commander Tohna delivering his own eulogy for the corvette in the process.

Personality and traits

Hober, a male individual, developed creaky knees due to his advanced age. Hazram Namir perceived Hober's appearance as withered and commended the quartermaster's aptitude for judging potential recruits. Hober also possessed a natural talent for card games. When Namir remarked that the volunteers on Haidoral Prime were foolish to board a sinking ship, the quartermaster snorted and shook his head at the comment, jokingly challenging the first sergeant to repeat the comment louder. After Namir questioned some potential recruits who were scuffling, Hober appeared skeptical when the first sergeant nodded his approval for a young-looking volunteer.

Following Maximian Ajax's eulogy, the quartermaster solemnly took the power pack from Twitch and inserted it into a charging station. During a discussion about preventing potential deserters, Hober asserted that it was time to hold a funeral for the late Howl. After Chalis proposed Operation Ringbreaker, the quartermaster bombarded the former governor with questions about the targets and Kuat's defenses. Hober ultimately remained silent during the vote on the campaign and decided to suggest field-promoting Namir afterward.

When Namir ordered artillery fire during the Siege of Inyusu Tor, Hober expressed concern for the trench teams that might be affected. As the Herald approached the battlefield, the quartermaster inquired whether the troops should withdraw. After the Apailana's Promise distracted the Star Destroyer, Hober speculated that the gunship might not last long and laughed bitterly when Namir joked that the ground troops wouldn't last long either. For the funeral following the battle, Hober managed to find a speaker for every fallen soldier's eulogy and led the event for several hours.


Hober utilized a comlink during the Siege of Inyusu Tor.

Behind the scenes

Hober made an appearance in the 2015 novel Battlefront: Twilight Company, authored by Alexander Freed.

