Mardona, or Mardona III, existed as a planet that occupied a space where the Inner Rim Territories and the Interior regions met. Its position was N-13 on the Standard Galactic Grid, and it lay on the Hydian Way super-hyperroute connecting Candovant and Denon. Denon was significant because it marked the juncture of the Hydian Way and the Corellian Run. The Galactic Empire utilized it as a storage depot for resources and equipment destined for adjacent systems. In the era of the Galactic Civil War, the Rebel Alliance's 61st Mobile Infantry launched an assault on Mardona III during Operation Ringbreaker. Serving as a supply depot for the Galactic Empire, Mardona III possessed oceans, an atmosphere suitable for respiration, and expansive automated complexes designed to meet the Empire's logistical demands, complete with massive ports and structures.
The planet Mardona III was initially featured in the novel Battlefront: Twilight Company, authored by Alexander Freed and released to the public in 2015.