Metatessu sector

The Metatessu sector, situated within the Mid Rim Territories, contained a minimum of four star systems. The [Redhurne system](/article/redhurne_system], one such system, eventually became a location for mining hypermatter resources. This occurred after a supernova shattered its interior planets, exposing their cores to radiation emanating from the remaining collapsed star fragment. In 3 ABY, the Rebel Alliance's 61st Mobile Infantry, also known as Twilight Company, operated within the Metatessu sector. Here, forces of the Galactic Empire pursued a hypermatter trail left behind by the company's CR90 corvette, the Thunderstrike.

Subsequently, the Empire launched attacks against Twilight Company across three distinct systems within the sector, before the leak was discovered by the latter. Following this discovery, the company executed a raid targeting an Imperial heavy freighter located in the Redhurne system. The purpose of this raid was to acquire the necessary resources to repair the Thunderstrike's hypermatter leak. Having been tracking the Thunderstrike, Imperial Captain Tabor Seitaron started considering other options, ultimately deciding to seek out other damaged rebel starships that had escaped engagements in the Metatessu sector.


The Metatessu sector was to be found in the Mid Rim Territories. The Enrivi system, the Chonsetta system, and the Redhurne system were all included, as well as a minimum of one other star system.


Thunderstrike's trail

Centuries before the Galactic Civil War between the Galactic Empire and the Rebel Alliance, the star of the Redhurne system experienced a supernova. This event devastated the system, obliterating all signs of life and fragmenting the innermost planets. The remnant of the star following the supernova emitted radiation into the shattered planets' cores, transforming materials into the fundamental components of hypermatter, such as coaxium. These cores were then subjected to mining operations during the final days of the Galactic Republic, with mining stations supplying the Galactic Empire by the time of the Galactic Civil War. In 1 ABY, the MC80 Star Cruiser Aurora Flare made a stop in the Redhurne system before proceeding to the ocean planet Mon Cala with a cargo of coaxium.

The Enrivi system was one of the systems located within the Metatessu sector.

During 3 ABY, the Alliance's 61st Mobile Infantry, more widely recognized as Twilight Company, found itself in the Metatessu sector during the Alliance Fleet's withdrawal from the Mid Rim. The Thunderstrike, Twilight Company's CR90 corvette, suffered a hypermatter leak caused by damage to its hyperdrive sustained during a previous engagement in the Kontahr sector. This leak caught the attention of Imperial Captain [Tabor Seitaron](/article/tabor_seitaron], who was collaborating with Prelate Verge to track the company with the intention of capturing the defected Imperial Governor Everi Chalis. Operating from Verge's Imperial II-class Star Destroyer Herald, Seitaron coordinated with Imperial forces in the sector to intercept Twilight Company.

While Twilight Company was positioned at the edge of a desolate system featuring a crimson sun, an Imperial destroyer attacked the rebel starships—namely the Thunderstrike, the Braha'tok-class gunship Apailana's Promise, and a pair of X-wing starfighters—which shortly thereafter managed to escape. Thirty hours later, an Imperial light cruiser and a squadron of TIE/ln space superiority starfighter attacked the company in the Enrivi system. Twilight Company's vessels successfully destroyed the attacking force and continued onward. Nineteen hours following that event, a squadron of TIE/IN interceptors attacked the company after concealing themselves within a comet trail, which further damaged the Thunderstrike.

The hunt develops

The Apailana's Promise and the Thunderstrike (illustrated; from left to right) were tracked as they traveled through the Metatessu sector, following a hypermatter trail left by the latter.

Onboard the Thunderstrike, the engineering droid M2-M5 pinpointed the hypermatter leak. Furthermore, reports indicated that three Imperial battle groups were diverting from active warzones to assist in the pursuit of Twilight Company. During an emergency meeting, senior officers and bridge crew members of the company made the determination to attack an Imperial cargo transport in order to secure the supplies needed for repairing their [corvette]'s leak. Twilight Company proceeded to the Redhurne system, where its starships ambushed an Imperial heavy freighter and dispatched squads of rebel soldiers onto it by utilizing boarding pods. The rebel boarding party successfully obtained the necessary resources and retreated back to the Thunderstrike. Despite the arrival of an Imperial Gozanti-class cruiser to engage Twilight Company, the rebels were nonetheless able to escape the system.

With his initial strategy proving unsuccessful, Seitaron and Verge engaged in discussions regarding alternative methods for pursuing Twilight Company while the Herald remained within the Metatessu sector. During this conversation, Seitaron conceived the idea of hunting for another rebel ship that had escaped an engagement with damage in the sector, one that might require repairs similar to the Thunderstrike. His officers provided a list containing several dozen vessels that had fled battles with damage in the Metatessu sector within the preceding week. Seitaron's concepts culminated in the capture of the rebel light freighter Trumpet's Call, which was then used to infiltrate the Thunderstrike at a rebel flotilla located in the Elochar sector.

Behind the scenes

The Metatessu sector was featured in the 2015 novel titled Battlefront: Twilight Company, authored by Alexander Freed. A map that was created for the reference book Star Wars: Timelines and shared as part of a blog post on on May 27, 2022, before the book's release on April 25, 2023, positioned the Enrivi system of the Metatessu sector within a region of space that, within the Star Wars Legends continuity, fell inside the Kastolar and Halla sectors.

