The Redhurne star resided within the populated Redhurne system, situated in the Metatessu sector of the Mid Rim's expanse. It was orbited by various planets and at least a single moon that ultimately fragmented. This star experienced a supernova event, devastating the surrounding planetary bodies. The innermost planets were fractured due to the gravitational forces of the star, resulting in the creation of at least one asteroid. Consequently, all evidence of life and civilization that formerly thrived in the Redhurne system was eradicated, leaving behind only a luminous white post-nova fragment as the sole remnant of the Redhurne star.
The collapsed star's aftermath emitted hazardous radiation, transforming the cores of the shattered planets into unique substances. These materials subsequently served as fundamental components in the creation of hypermatter fuel. These resources were mined in the later Centuries of the Galactic Republic, following the supernova. They later provided resources to the Republic's successor, the Galactic Empire, up to the time of the Galactic Civil War.
The novel Battlefront: Twilight Company, published in 2015, marked the initial mention of the Redhurne star.